TITLE: Final Truths AUTHOR: 'Lexy Torell & Psi Fi' EMAIL ADDRESS: lexytorell@qwest.net ARCHIVE: Please! Just let me know where! :-) RATING: PG CATEGORY: TR DISCLAIMER: Unfortunately, these characters don't belong to me. Although, it would be nice if they did, cause then we would be very rich women, instead of having to write all these stories for free! They belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Production. KEYWORDS (CONTENT WARNING): Krycek/Other SPOILER WARNING: Entire Mytharc and Samantha Storyline up through Millenium SUMMARY: A mysterious woman appears in Fox Mulder's life and he investigates to find out who she is. FEEDBACK: lexytorell@qwest.net and strytlr1572@aol.com PLEASE!! This is our VERY first joint attempt at fan fiction. So please be gentle! Any constructive criticism or any other pointers you can give would be GREATLY appreciated! I really hope you like it!) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Andrea Spender sat in a chair in front of her Father's desk, waiting to hear the assignment. The old man was cool as always, taking long, steady drags off the cigarette hanging from his lips. "Alex, Andrea...I have a new assignment for you concerning Agent Mulder." Alex Krycek's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly and only the very observant or someone who knew him would notice the tension that was suddenly vibrating through him. "Mulder? What about him?" "Do we finally get to take care of him?" The young woman offered with cool enthusiasm. "He's been causing enough problems lately." The smoking man, called Cancerman by many of his more sarcastic enemies, took another long drag off the implement of his many nicknames. Krycek shook his head warningly. "I'm through committing murders for you..." "Not murder. I told you before we can't risk that. We've decided that Mulder should be put away somewhere quiet...for his own good, of course." Andrea Spender spared Krycek a brief glance, wondering why she was being paired with him if he couldn't work for the greater good of the cause. She had heard rumors and warnings about this particular agent and she had strong doubts about his loyalty, especially given the lack of respect he showed her father...a great man who had dedicated his life to their important work. She resolved to study Krycek, so she could report any treachery. "Mulder is quite obsessive," the smoking man puffed. "With the right prodding his behavior should deteriorate. If that were to happen, I'm sure even Skinner and Agent Scully would admit the need for Agent Mulder to receive some...professional help." Andrea grinned slightly, catching on, but Krycek smiled wryly. "You tried that already...he only drinks bottled water now." Andrea shot him a hard glance, but answered as if he hadn't commented. "I see. I'm sure that wouldn't be too difficult. A nice padded cell with a white jacket...that would suit him nicely." "Your objection is noted, Alex. I'm sure you and Andrea will find something more...creative this time." "It shouldn't be too difficult, I'm sure," Andrea repeated, glancing over at Krycek, who reluctantly nodded. "Good. I look forward to hearing of your progress." the smoker exhaled smugly, stamping out his cigarette. Krycek nodded once, a barely respectful curving of his neck, then left. Andrea stood and glanced at her father. "We won't let you down. I can promise you that." "I'm sure you won't. And I'm sure you will exercise due caution in your dealings with Mulder AND Krycek." Andrea smiled confidently. "You needn't worry about that. I will take care of both as needed." Cancerman nodded and waved a dismissal. Andrea hurried out and moved to catch up with Krycek. He turned to see who was behind him, suspecting it was her, but ready all the same. "Well, well...when can you be ready to go to DC, Ms. Spender?" "My bags were already sent ahead, Mr. Krycek. So, I suppose I am ready when you are." "Good. I have tickets waiting...do you have a cell phone?" Andrea raised an eyebrow, as if to suggest the question was a stupid one. "Of course. As well as a satellite link. I suppose we should exchange numbers?" she offered. "We really should. No point letting Mulder and Scully have any unnecessary advantages over us." He handed her a business card. Pressing her lips in disdain, she handed him one of hers as well. **Did even hired thugs have cards these days?** Andrea thought to herself. "Are you ready?" "Yeah." Andrea moved out the door to the waiting car. Krycek followed and sat next to her in the back. "I should warn you, Ms. Spender, not to underestimate Mulder. He's very clever...intuitive and unpredictable. Have you any ideas on how you want to complete this assignment?" Andrea smiled. "I'm planning on using his own psychoses against him." Krycek smiled back, amused. "Yeah? Which ones? There's a lot to choose from." "Oh, perhaps a few well-planted problems from his past. I'm still working on the specifics. Do you have any particular ideas? You seem to be buddies with him." Krycek blinked; sure he had misheard. "Excuse me?" Andrea raised her eyebrow, appraising the man's reaction. "You heard me, Mr. Krycek. You think I don't keep track of those I have to work with?" Krycek laughed in a low, husky chuckle. "Mulder and I are enemies, Miss Spender. I respect him as an adversary, but there is no love lost between us. As for ideas...well, he's used to the demons of his past. We might need to create some new ones." She chuckled slightly. "Such as? There isn't much he hasn't seen." Krycek nodded. "He's had everything taken from him at some point...his work, his parents, Scully, Skinner. Don't think this will be easy. For all his demons, Mulder is pretty fearless." "I was thinking of playing on his emotions a little, Mr. Krycek. Perhaps cause him to fall for someone and then just as quickly take them away from him," she suggested, looking over at him. "Someone, Miss Spender?" "I was thinking of myself. It'll be easier to know what is going on that way." Krycek carefully hid his look of disgusted concern and laughed, slightly. "I don't know, Miss Spender. I don't think that's a good idea. It'd take too much time for you to win his trust. Plus, he's in love with Scully. I mean, the guy doesn't exactly date, y'know?" "So, now suddenly, you're the all-knowing expert on him? I personally don't believe you have a say in this matter." Krycek's green eyes went very cool. "I know him better than anyone else in the Consortium. I worked with him and I've watched him for years. I have a very large say in things, Ms. Spender. If appropriate, you will take orders from me." Andrea Spender's eyes went hard. "Excuse me?" she questioned frostily. Krycek smiled softly. "This is an equal partnership, Miss Spender," he husked in a low voice. The almost whisper lent a mild malice to his tone. "Sort of like marriage?" she replied sarcastically. "I fear you overestimate you position in the chain of command, Mr. Krycek." Andrea eyed him slowly, noting the unpolished boots, faded jeans, and battered leather jacket, letting her eyes scrape over him in judgment. She knew her own attire was impeccable. Her suit was a fine blue silk, from one of the best tailors in Paris. She smoothed her skirt, trying to draw attention to the unwrinkled, rich material. She settled back smugly, certain she had made her point. Krycek's face went blank, hiding his anger. "No, Miss Spender. I'm VERY aware of my position. I worked quite hard for it; believe me. And if you're going to underestimate people this badly, Mulder and Scully will fillet you for lunch. Mulder has a knack for getting at people's true feelings and motives." She glared, offended and furious that he had not only dared to talk back to her, but that he was questioning her abilities! "Excuse me?" Krycek smiled coolly, leaning back with at least the appearance of calm. He raised both eyebrows, a questioning and assessing look in his cool, jade eyes. "How do you see me, Miss Spender? Why do you think I'm here? You'd better be a sharp judge of people, if you want to get to Mulder. I think you're allowing appearances to deceive you." Andrea glanced out the window, wonder what her father had gotten her into and contemplating what Krycek was saying. "I think you need to back off," she warned, still glaring. Krycek studied her, noting how close she was to completely losing her temper. He decided she needed time to cool off before she could be counted on to listen. He nodded slowly. "For now..." Her lips tightened. "I don't appreciate your "games", Mr. Krycek. You might as well stop right now. Whatever you choose to believe, you don't have the upper hand here and you're not getting it by posturing." The car stopped and the discussion halted as they waited for the driver to open the door. "Games, Miss Spender? We don't have time for games with each other," he responded, climbing out of the car. He offered his hand with a charming smile, full of gleaming white teeth. "We'll save that for Agent Mulder..." Faking a sincere smile, she accepted his help out of the car. "As long as we understand each other on that issue." Krycek gave her a slow look through hooded eyes. "Oh, I think we do..." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Mulder lay back on his couch, watching "Them!" He stretched tiredly. A shadow detached itself from near his window and Mulder reached for his gun. The shadow moved back toward the window, waiting for Mulder to get the idea and come outside. Mulder wasn't biting. He aimed his gun at the shadow's center. "Come out! Who's there?" Krycek held his hands out away from his body and stepped a small way into the light. "YOU!" Mulder spat, and then swallowed his rage with a sarcastic grin. "What do you want, Ratboy?" Krycek glared, slightly, then snorted. "Very funny, Mulder," he acknowledged, moving a little closer. "I came to warn you. If you're smart, you'll listen." "Listen? Krycek, you do nothing but tell lies with just enough truth in them to keep me hooked. But, by all means, go ahead. I keep the place relatively free of bugs, so you can go ahead and spout whatever it is the Consortium wants me to believe this week!" Krycek pursed his lips, partly exasperated and partly amused by Mulder's fatalistic paranoia. He tried to keep his voice reasonable and relatively unantagonistic. "Look, Mulder. I came here to *help* you. They're sending someone to you...to try to get involved with you...and a few other nasty surprises." Mulder smirked. "So what else is new? Nasty surprises are your bosses' specialty. What do you mean involved? Another partner? Sheesh. That's not very original, Krycek." "No, not a partner. A romantic interest. Not that you would exactly go for that sort of thing." Mulder laughed, a bit brokenly. "I don't exactly have time for that what with trying to bring down your bosses and search for my sister...I'm surprised you haven't offered me information about her, Krycek. The perfect carrot, right?" Krycek glanced away; afraid Mulder would read something in his eyes. He shook his head slightly. "Look, all I'm saying is watch out. And, maybe you might want to play along with her game for a while. It might help you figure out what they are shooting at this time." "Gee, Krycek, do I get a description? Who has the Consortium chosen as my dream date?" "You'll figure it out, I'm sure. But...she might be calling herself Andrea." "Andrea, huh? That's it? No warnings about alien oil spills or anything? You just wanted to give me tips on my love life?" Krycek swallowed a sigh, trying not to lose patience with Mulder's sometimes grating sense of humor. "Look, just play along with it for now. You'll understand more when the time is right, but don't fall for her tricks." "Yeah, sure...why not?" Mulder agreed, grinning sardonically. "Well, thanks for the tip, Alex. It's interesting to see one of my worst enemies play the mother hen..." Krycek shook his head in warning, not sure if Mulder was taking his suggestion seriously or not. "I'm not playing games here, Mulder." "Krycek, you don't know how not to play games...besides, I haven't dated in ages. My personal life sucks." "And you think they don't know that?" Mulder shrugged, giving a sheepish grin. "I don't care. Your masters probably know my favorite brand of toothpaste...for all the good it does them..." "Well, don't say I didn't warn ya, Mulder." "Me? Blame innocent Ratboy? Never!" Krycek grimaced. "Yeah, whatever. Just watch your back." He moved back into the shadows, before slipping silently out the window. Mulder watched him go, exasperated. "I wish I had evidence to arrest him! Good riddance." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Andrea sat in the dining room, enjoying her coffee, before ordering breakfast. She was waiting for Krycek, so they could discuss the next step in their mission. She glanced up briefly and saw him a short distance away. He walked casually towards her, more at ease in the elegant surroundings than she would previously have given him credit for. He sat down across from her. "Well, how did your meeting with Mulder go?" She rolled her eyes; exasperated by his uncivilized lack of greeting and not wanting to admit how badly things had gone. "It was...enlightening." Krycek arched his eyebrow, looking unnervingly complacent. "How so?" "It's like he purposefully goes out of his way to find a reason to distrust someone. I have never seen anything like it..." She drifted off, staring morosely into her coffee. Krycek smiled softly. "It's called paranoia, Ms. Spender. Men like Mulder thrive on it, even more than we do...He knows that people are out to get him." Andrea managed a lady like snort. "And I suppose we are just proving him right?" she retorted, then paused, a little uncomfortable. "He's very unassuming for a man who has caused so much trouble for the cause." Krycek chuckled, amused both by Mulder and her response to him. "Mulder thinks of himself as a good guy...he's a boy scout who believes the stories told around the campfire." "I haven't believed those stories since I was ten. How a man of his age can be so deluded..." She shook her head, puzzled. Krycek sighed, shifting a little. "I saw some weird stuff as his partner, Ms. Spender. You should read some of the cases he and Scully have solved. It's eerie..." "How do you know I haven't?" They paused and grew quiet as the waitress came and took their orders. Krycek shrugged as she left. "If you had, you'd show Mulder more respect...and if you want to get anywhere with him, you'd better show him some. He's not going to follow you around like a puppy." Andrea's next words were quiet, almost a snarl. "I didn't think he would. Look, why don't you quit telling me what *won't* work and try helping me figure out what will?" Krycek smiled, his green eyes alight with mischief. "I'm trying, Ms. Spender. I really am. As I said, show Mulder some respect and lose the scorn for his work. He can pick up on things like that. I'm not saying you have to make out you believe. Goodness knows, Scully doesn't. But at least make out that you respect HIS belief." Andrea sat back suddenly, staring into Krycek's eyes. "We're going to be working together for awhile, so why don't you just call me Andrea to make it easier for everyone?" she suggested, almost absently, as she mulled over what he had said, almost losing herself in his deep, green eyes. Krycek smiled, slightly. "I'd like that, Andrea. And please, call me Alex..." She paused, almost wondering if she wanted to get *that* familiar with him. "All right...Alex." Krycek nodded happily, pleased that they were on an easier footing. "Well, when are you meeting Mulder next?" Andrea ran her hands over her face. "I figured I would give it a day or so. I don't want to be too obvious." "You're probably right. Maybe you should arrange to bump into him at the grocery store or video store. Don't try anything, just say hi, make light conversation. Let him get used to seeing you occasionally..." Andrea nodded. "Probably a good idea. Perhaps even move into an apartment near his. Make it at least viable that I am there." Krycek nodded thoughtfully. "That would work. There are some good apartments a couple of blocks down from him...his buildings full." She raised her eyebrows in amusement. "Oh?" Krycek laughed. "Yeah, amazingly, he hasn't scared his neighbors away yet!" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Andrea lay in her apartment, staring at the ceiling. She had been trying to sleep now for a couple of hours but it seemed as if everytime she tried to fall asleep, the dreams would start anew. Turning to her side, she glanced at the clock: 3:14. With a sigh, she stood up and walked out into her living room. It was almost useless now to get any sleep. She entered her living room and sat heavily on the couch, clicking the TV on with the remote that lay on the coffee table in front of her. She flipped through channels and lay her head on the arm of the couch. At this time of the morning the only thing to watch was either news networks or infomercials and she wasn't really into either one. Her mind began to wander over the past month and the developing relationship between her and Agent Mulder. She had managed to conveniently bump into him a few times in the park, at a local grocery, and one of the local coffee shops. Once she had become a familiar face, she had arranged to speak with him. After that, they had gotten along quite well and had even managed to get together a couple of times. She made sure they always had fun together and was sure that things were progressing rather well. Even though her mission stayed foremost in her mind, she was having a hard time reconciling the man she was becoming close to with the man her father had always warned her about. He just didn't seem to be what she had expected. There had seemed to be an instant connection with him that she wasn't sure she could explain. It hadn't been difficult to draw him in..and she felt herself being drawn to him at the same time. Her eyes finally drifted closed around 4:30, as she continued to click through the channels. She barely managed to turn the TV off as sleep finally overtook her exhausted body. Her last thought was a hope that she would be so tired that the dreams would not return. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Krycek stood over Andrea, watching her toss and moan on the couch of her apartment. He shook her shoulder, gently. "Hey, wake up!" Andrea snapped awake and came up swinging, but managed to catch herself, when she realized who it was. "Don't *ever* do that to me again!" Krycek rolled his eyes, figuring it was a "Mulder" thing. "Sorry. Are you all right?" he asked. She sighed and slowly sat up, stretching, wearing nothing, but a t-shirt and underwear. "I'm fine..." Her mind drifted back to the dreams of the night before and the reason she had fallen asleep on the couch. Krycek watched her expression close off. He smiled appreciatively, with a skeptical expression in his eyes. "If you were really okay, I don't think you'd let me see you like this." Krycek's eyes raked warmly over her bare legs. She blinked and glanced down at herself. Annoyed, she reached over and pushed Krycek back, until his butt landed with a satisfying *thunk* on the coffee table, as she stood and moved into her bedroom to change. "Obviously you're fine or you wouldn't be taking advantage of the situation," she groused. She pushed her door shut and began to get decent clothes on. Krycek laughed. "Oh, yeah, I'm real good." Andrea came back out into the living room wearing jeans and a polo shirt. She walked to her window and opened the curtains and blinds. "So, what brings you over so early? I thought we weren't supposed to meet up until about 9:30?" Krycek shrugged amiably. "So I'm a little early. Were you having bad dreams?" Andrea glanced up at him strangely. "Dreams? Why do you ask that?" Krycek grinned. "Well, for one, few people sleep on their couches. Plus, you're out of it. It's about 9:45." Andrea glanced up at the clock, astonished. "I didn't realize it was so late." "Do you want to talk about it?" She sighed and slumped down on the couch. "I'm not even sure myself what they were about." Krycek leaned forward, keeping his voice soft. "Are you sure? You can't remember anything?" Andrea ran a hand over her face and glanced up at him. "Why is it so important to you, Alex? They were my dreams." Krycek leaned back, trying to be casual. "We're working together. We might as well act human towards each other. You look tired." She smiled slightly at him, not buying it. "Uh huh, sure," she humored him. "It was weird...almost like memories of a different family." She shook her head, wishing she could clear her mind of the images and the feelings they provoked. "I can't explain it." "But you're okay, right? Just a bad night?" She smiled into his eyes. "I'm fine. I would tell you if I weren't, okay?" Krycek grimaced. "I hope you're better at fooling Mulder, than you are at fooling me!" "Why do you say that? I'm sure I can tell him I had a bad night and he will understand. Lord knows, he has had a few of them." "I don't think he ever has any other kind, truthfully, but you're probably right, you should do fine. Ready for breakfast?" She nodded. "Yeah...let's go." **** **** **** END PART 1 FINAL TRUTHS (2/8) PART 2 For Information, see Headers in Part 1... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Krycek held a chair out for Andrea. They had selected a small coffee shop downtown; reasonably sure they would not be spotted. Alex helped Andrea to sit and she glanced around the restaurant out of habit. Krycek smiled, a little amused. "I think we're safe." Andrea glanced up at him with an abashed smile as he sat down. "It's habit." Krycek nodded. "Yeah, I know," he agreed, then grinned widely. "I did it at the door." Andrea chuckled, softly. "I've been living this life too long, I think..." "So, are you going to give me the details of your dream?" She grew serious at that, her mind drifting back to her dream. She didn't know why, but she was almost afraid to tell him. Krycek leaned forward, touching her hand briefly, then pulled his back. She gave another brief glance to his face, before taking a calming sip of her water. "I'm okay, really," she claimed, biting at her lower lip. Krycek nodded. "Take your time." "I'm having almost memories of having been abducted, but I know that could never have happened. Of a family...but not mine. It all kinda blurs together and makes no sense. A...a mother. Father. And...another child. A boy," she whispered, then firmly shook her head. "That makes no sense. I was raised by my father and had no other family. It's nothing more than a dream. The Consortium would *never* have done anything to me. My father made sure of that." Krycek frowned. "I wouldn't be too sure, Andrea. Our employers are pretty ruthless. Did you know they once tried to blow me up?" She nodded. "I know. Alex, I know quite a bit more than my position as a simple Operative would warrant. And trust me, I know they wouldn't have done anything. Anyone who would have attempted it would have been killed. Instantly," she stopped, realizing who she was talking to and that she had basically told him who her father was. Krycek smiled. "I know a lot more than you might think, too, Andrea. And believe me, no one is out of reach if the wrong person gets mad. Not even your Father." Andrea glanced down at the table, hearing the truth in his words and wishing she didn't. "Except that doesn't explain the family I saw...It all makes no sense. Like I was in someone else's head," she sighed. "Anyway, it doesn't matter." Krycek smiled softly. "You're probably right. It's probably just a dream. I just don't want you to have any illusions about who we are." "Are you saying not to get too secure in my position, Alex?" Andrea tried to sound amused, but knew she was stating her own fears out loud, not wanting to admit she felt that way. She felt the fears were disloyal to her father, who had always protected her. Krycek nodded, seriously. "Mulder's feeling pretty comfortable right now, Andrea." Her worry made it's way into her blue-hazel eyes and she nodded slowly, not realizing how comfortable she was with Alex and that her feelings were showing so much. "You're right." Krycek nodded; satisfied that she would be careful. "Then you should be okay...Now about the dream. It doesn't sound too bad, so far. Why was it bothering you? I mean, you mentioned abduction, but why? Because you were with a family you didn't recognize?" Andrea looked up into his eyes, worried, but again not voicing it. "I don't know...perhaps because it felt so real...and I'm not exactly used to feeling like a victim. That's the point. I didn't feel in the dream as if I didn't recognize them. It was like...god, I need to just forget about it!" "Okay. Hey. Maybe it was just a subconscious yearning for family fixed up with some of the bugaboos from our work! Right?" "It was the boy who seemed the most real though." She sighed in frustration, but grabbed onto Alex's explanation and nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure that was it," she responded, searching his eyes. Alex kept his eyes firmly on her. "Sure." Andrea reached over and touched his hand slightly. "Thank you." Krycek's smile softened again. "You're welcome. So what are we doing today?" "I'm supposed to meet Mulder for lunch," she informed him, smiling. "You get to retrieve those files we need." Alex nodded at another customer as she passed, grinning. "Okay. Good luck! If you're going to have lunch, there's a good chance you'll get to meet his partner, Scully!" Andrea blinked, not sure how to respond. "Oh? Well, that should be interesting then. I need to get going. I'll talk to you more tonight," she stated, standing. Krycek stood, respectfully. "Okay, I'll see you later." She turned and left quickly. Krycek turned his attention to the customer he had nodded at. She was watching him from her table, scowling. Krycek walked over to her. "May I sit down?" Scully cocked her head to the side, appraising him. "Do I have a choice?" Krycek shrugged, claiming, "Sure. My mama raised a gentleman." Scully waved graciously to the seat across from her. "Sit. It'll be interesting to find out what you are up to now." Krycek smiled charmingly and sat down. "Thank you," he acknowledged, then tilted his head a fraction to the side. "Are you eating lunch with Mulder today?" Scully furrowed her brow, puzzled by the mundane inquiry. "Possibly. Why do you ask?" Krycek grinned, knowingly. "Mulder has a new girlfriend, he should be introducing to you soon...the girl I was just with in fact." Scully's mouth tightened. "Excuse me? I somehow doubt Mulder would..." she drifted off, watching him closely. "Oh, I warned him about her, but I also told him he should play along. I figured I should tell you the same thing." Scully glared. "Just what are you getting at? Why would you help us? Him?" "Why wouldn't I? I like both of you. I tried to tell you before, Scully. We're on the same side..." Scully shook her head. "The only thing you like, Krycek, is the attention. And I seriously doubt you will convince Mulder or me that we have *ever* been on the same team," she informed him, coolly. Krycek frowned, slightly. "Attention, Scully? I risk my life every time I help you and usually get beaten up by Mulder...or Skinner. I could kill you at any time. Now...isn't that proof I'm not your enemy?" Scully gave a delicate snort. "It proves you haven't had the opportunity or the orders from up above, Krycek." Krycek laughed, uncontrollably. "Scully, I've had enough opportunities to kill you for a hundred assassins. And I'm not just some flunky anymore. If I wanted you dead, you would be," he corrected her, then his voice softened. "I've suffered as much as you have you know..." "Suffered?" she inquired, a bit incredulously. Krycek frowned. "Do you know what it's like to have your arm cut off in a forest with a heated blade, while being pinned down? Or to wake up trapped in an abandoned silo with no food or water, covered in a grimy oil that has just leaked out from your eyes, nose, and ears? To be violated by an alien consciousness? Oh, I forgot. Skeptical Scully doesn't believe in aliens, right?" Scully stood. "No, Krycek, I don't believe in aliens. And I don't have time to listen to your delusions...or your lies." Krycek glared, furious and a bit hurt that she would so easily dismiss the worst moments of his life. **And they call me callous?** "I'm not Mulder. Don't talk to me that way. I'm as sane as you. I'm not blinded by a refusal to believe in anything I haven't dissected! Ask Mulder. He'll tell you about the peasants in Tunguska who took my arm. I was healed by an alien like Jeremiah Smith. Remember him? The guy who healed the gunshot wound in the restaurant?" Scully noticed other customers glancing their way. "And I'm not the double agent who has proved again and again he's not trustworthy and will stab us in the back every chance he gets! I don't have time for this, Krycek," she stated in a cool, even voice that showed anger more clearly than any amount of yelling. Krycek glanced around, the stares from the restaurant making him nervous. "Lower your voice and sit down," he urged, smiling. "You haven't finished your breakfast, yet, Scully." Scully ignored him and moved towards the door, leaving money enough to cover her check and tip at the front, hoping he wouldn't follow her. Her inherent compassion made it impossible for her to completely ignore his litany of sorrows. It wasn't in her nature to ignore anyone's pain. But she also wouldn't let him use his problems to justify the crimes he had committed. She heard the rapid footsteps behind her, knowing it was Krycek catching up. "Hey, Scully! Wait up!" She stopped and turned, glaring coolly up at him. "What?!" "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to cause a scene." She sighed. "Look," she commented, softening her tone to its usual, rational timbre. "It just seems like whenever you show up, trouble isn't far behind. We've had enough trouble for awhile." Krycek's eyes lost their icy veneer, becoming once again soft and oddly respectful. "Maybe that's because I only show up when I know you're going to need any help you can get...After all, It'd take a lot to get you to accept my help. And Scully? You're always in trouble. You just don't always know it." Scully crossed her arms, glancing around to gain perspective from the mundacity of her surroundings. "I would prefer not to think like that. What is it that you want, specifically? You had to have a reason for approaching me today." "If Mulder's taking my advice and leading the woman along, I didn't want you to blow the whistle on either of them," he answered, smiling sheepishly. "I didn't intend for you to see us, but it seemed impolite not to say hello." Scully decided to ignore that last. "Who is she, Krycek?" "An associate. You know who I work for...who I'm working to bring down." "And where do her loyalties lie?" Krycek frowned, sighing. "She would tell you she's a patriot of the human race...he has taught her well, since she was very young..." "He?" Scully inquired, raising an eyebrow. "You know. I believe you once called him Cancerman...the man responsible for the deaths of your sister and Mulder's father." "Ah, I should have known," she observed, then her voice grew cold. "All right, I'll try to go along with you for now. But if I see anything from her to indicate she is going to hurt Mulder..." Krycek nodded, agreeing, "Of course. I want you to protect Mulder. He's lousy at it..." Scully shook her head. "I have to go now. I'm not sure I trust you...but, for now I will do as you say." Krycek smiled. "Thank you," he husked, then his voice dropped to a whisper. "Wow, a meeting with one of the X-files team, where I didn't get a gun in my face!" Scully rolled her eyes. "I can accommodate you on that. We wouldn't want to ruin our stellar record, would we?" Krycek grinned. "Agent Scully, I wouldn't dream of it!" he said with a wink. She turned and moved down the sidewalk. "Perhaps next time, Mr. Krycek," she said over her shoulder as she began walking. "Have a nice day, Scully." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Another few weeks had passed and Andrea lay once again in her bed, tossing and turning with another dream. A pair of green eyes watched as she kicked out, entangling her legs in the sheets. Krycek leaned against the wall in the darkest corner of the room, unmoving, but not unmoved. Andrea found herself suddenly completely awake and aware. She felt a presence in the room and glanced right at Krycek. He felt her eyes and stepped calmly forward, his hands raised. "It's just me." She sat up suddenly, glaring at him. "What the hell are you doing in here?" Krycek made a soothing motion with his hand. "I was just checking on you. You've been having that dream again. I wanted to make sure you were okay." She shook her head. Despite her job and training, she was deeply disturbed that anyone dared to enter her bedroom. "You shouldn't be in here. You aren't even supposed to be in town!" Krycek shrugged, not understanding why she was upset. "I got back hours ago. Things went easily." Andrea stood and moved over to him. Alex backed away, seeing she was furious, but only moved away enough to maintain personal space. The instinct to not show fear was too deeply ingrained to allow anything else. "The point still stands. You shouldn't be in my room. That borders on obsession, Alex." She turned her back on him and moved to grab a pair of jeans, pulling them on. Krycek just shrugged. "You learn that, when you're on the run. Look...I just wanted to make sure you and the apartment were secure. Okay?" "You are in my *room*, Alex. My *private* space. The one place I expect to be able to go and not be followed!" She glared tightly into his eyes and he sighed. "All right. I'm sorry if I upset you. I just developed a need to check on things periodically. Our lifestyle trained me to it. I'm used to keeping a close eye on anything and anyone connected to me." Andrea shook her head, moving closer again to stare into his eyes. "No, Alex. This goes beyond just "checking" on me. I refuse to be anyone's obsession, is that understood? Especially when things are getting very close with Mulder...I won't let you ruin this!" Krycek blinked, shaking his head slightly, confused. "What do you mean by that?" he asked, keeping the worry he felt from his tone, not sure he liked how it sounded. "Nothing...could you please leave now? And make sure you lock the door on your way out." Andrea turned as if to get back into bed. "Andrea!" Alex demanded, sharply. "What did you mean about Mulder?! I won't come in here anymore. I give you my word on that. But I need to know any plans you have concerning our...target." Andrea exhaled sharply and looked back at him. "I'm taking our relationship to the next level. It's time. This has taken too long. I'm getting pressure from above." Krycek blinked, barely hiding a look of disgust. "You're going to sleep with him?" "That is nothing you need to worry about. Just be ready when the time is right. Everything has to play out perfectly," she cautioned, looking away again. Krycek tried to keep his voice steady and rational. "Andrea. You can't do that. He's still devoted to Scully. There, no, there's no way he's ready for that! And anything connected to our mission is my concern!" "Who the *hell* said you were the expert on what he is and isn't ready for? *You* aren't the one dealing with him on a daily basis, so stay of it. Just be ready when I say to be ready." Krycek exhaled slowly, trying not to lose his temper. "I told you I'm here because of my expertise on Mulder. You've known him a couple of months; I've known him for years. You seem to want to go back to giving the orders, Miss Spender. What? You think you can just bed and dump Mulder and that'll make him ready for a funny farm?!" "No, that isn't what I was planning at all...something would have to happen to me...to make him go after me. Perhaps he could even witness my death. It will work out. But I have to take this step first." "This will not work! He's already got Samantha as a holy grail, you're just upping the stakes for him! He will go after you. You'll just make him more determined, like when Scully was abducted." Andrea's mouth tightened. She was offended that he thought she hadn't planned this carefully. "And just what would happen if he continued to *see* me...even after my death, everywhere he turned...there I was. The decision is made. And this time you don't get a say, Krycek. The orders came from above." Krycek glared, his anger making his eyes glow a luminescent green, like a jungle cats. "I don't take orders from you and I haven't received any. If he sees you, he'll just be convinced that you're alive and try to rescue you. This man does not think like an ordinary person! He doesn't accept the pat explanations of polite society. He looks for the unusual and bizarre and accepts it as commonplace!" Andrea moved in, standing almost toe-to-toe with him. "The decision is made. I'm not going to argue about this any further. You can either continue to help the mission, or just leave and be reassigned, but I am not going to play these games any longer, Mr. Krycek," she insisted, her tone cool and calm, almost deathly so. Alex's eyes became hard and cold, like sharp green glass; they were the eyes of a killer. "You still think you're in charge, but you're not. You are jeopardizing this mission, Spender. I'm not going anywhere." She shook her head, frustrated and confused. "You knew this was where we were headed with this. Why are you so vehemently fighting it?" Krycek shook his head tightly. "I didn't know you were going to have sex with Mulder..." "You can't be that naive, Alex..." "Not since I was fourteen," he smirked. "Just where did you think this would go? And this is what I meant about your obsession getting in the way. You're letting personal feelings interfere in our mission. And I think you know it." Krycek barely kept himself from yelling, furious that she thought there were personal feelings or that he didn't have the restraint to control them if there were. "I am not obsessed with you. That's quite an ego you have there, Spender. There are no personal feelings." "Oh? I don't think so. I've seen the way you look at me, Krycek. *I* am not that naive." "You couldn't read me if you're life depended on it!" Krycek snarled, before making a visible effort to calm down. "I just think you are seriously underestimating Mulder." "Oh, really?" she murmured, letting her hand drift up to lightly caress his cheek. "I don't think so." Krycek caught her hand softly; worried he would lean into the gentle touch. "You don't think I'm unreadable or you don't think you're underestimating Mulder," he husked in a low, intimate tone. "Perhaps a bit of both, Alex, but mostly the first. I've learned to read you like a book, every little nuance and glance...things other people would overlook." "I must be slipping...I used to be able to hide myself," he complained ruefully, then grinned, the expression adding to, instead of detracting from, the primal energy that crackled from his eyes, a result of his own, unique charisma. "So much for my life expectancy." She sighed, still standing there with her hand in his. "You should know you don't have to worry about that with me by now, Alex," she whispered softly. "Maybe I do," he conceded. He reached down and kissed her softly. She responded tentatively, moving her hands to his strong shoulders. She pressed lightly against him. Alex brought one hand to her hair, while the other went around her waist, pulling her tightly against him. When she began gasping for air, he released her. She found herself pulled almost hypnotically to the green depths of his eyes, which held a primitive gleam of raw emotion. She found him looking at her questioningly and she nodded, running the palms of her hands over his chest. Taking his hand, she led him to the bed. ~*~*~*~*~*~* END PART 2 FINAL TRUTHS (3/8) PART 3 For Information See Header in Part 1... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Alex walked into the living room. He was dressed only in a pair of his trademark faded jeans and was toweling his hair dry. Andrea glanced up as he came in and smiled up at him. "Feel better?" Alex sighed, feeling mostly content. "Yeah, I do..." "Good," she murmured, leaning back into the couch, contemplating how to broach the subject they hadn't settled the night before. Alex noticed the look in her eyes and groaned. He walked over and knelt next to her, taking her hands in his. "What?" she asked softly, smiling gently. "Andrea, listen. I admit the idea of you with another guy makes me jealous. But I learned enough on the run to keep my emotions in check. That kind of thing marks you forever. I am not jealous of you and Mulder. But I am concerned about the consequences if you sleep with him." "If it isn't jealousy, then why are you so strongly opposed to this, Alex?" Alex groaned, softly, reaching a painful decision. "I don't think you're ready for this, but hold on. There's something I want to show you. Andrea's brow furrowed in confusion, but she waited for him. Alex went to a cabinet and retrieved a piece of paper. "What do you think of Mulder now that you know him a little?" Andrea sighed, shifting uncomfortably. "Can I not comment on that one?" "I need to know," Alex insisted quietly. "The apartment's free of bugs due to my midnight visits." Andrea smiled slightly. "He isn't exactly as horrible as he is rumored to be...I will give him that." Alex smiled, a little sadly. "This is a photograph. You should recognize the little boy, if not the little girl." Alex handed her the picture of Mulder and his sister. Andrea's brow furrowed. The photo showed the boy from her dream and a little girl. It was a close-up of the two on a tire swing, both grinning happily. The girl was on the boy's lap, leaning against him as they flew backwards. "But..." she muttered, stunned, looking up into his eyes. "The little boy is Fox Mulder, Andrea. You are Samantha, his holy grail..." Andrea shoved the picture back at him, shaking her head. "No, that isn't me." "And that walking cancer stick is not your father! It is you, Andrea. You know it is." She dropped the photo on the table and moved over to the window. "No...it can't be." Alex moved up behind her and gently embraced her. "I was hoping to break this to you slowly...and more gently. I'm sorry, Andrea. But the truth had to come out sooner or later. Are you really going to sleep with your own brother for the *cause*?" Andrea pushed against his arms, trying to escape him and his truths. "NO. I'm not believing this! Besides, all you have is a picture...that isn't proof that *I* am her." "You recognize the boy, I know you do, I saw it in your eyes. How do you explain that? I bet I could get into your 'father's' albums and get a picture of you identical to this little girl." "He is from my dreams...like you said, I probably am just remembering a picture I saw when I was a child. It's all just blurring together." "Why would you have seen a picture of Fox Mulder as a child?" "My father has always been fascinated with that family for some reason. That would be reason enough." Alex shook his head. "Andrea, Andrea. Think of it this way. You say you can read me. Do you think I would make this up? What would I gain?" Tears sprang into Andrea's eyes and Alex could feel shivers running down her slender frame. "My father wouldn't do this to me. He *wouldn't*!" "Why not? He's destroyed enough lives of other people. He lives on lies, Andrea. He probably doesn't even know how to stop. Is Mulder at all what you expected? I know my time with him was an eye opener." She shook her head, slowly, the pain of the truth making her reluctant to even consider it. "No. I can't do this, Alex...you are asking me to turn away from everything I have been told all my life. I can't do that!" "You can't run from the truth, Andrea. I wish this could be easier for you, but..." he paused and turned her to face him, gazing solemnly at her. "I trusted him once, Andrea. All it got me was thrown on to hot pavement when my car blew up." Andrea shook her head, not wanting to envisage Krycek, the man who owned her heart more thoroughly than she was ready to face, being in such peril and facing such hardships as she knew he had. "Don't...he said..." she drifted off, unable to continue. "What? That I deserved it?" he asked, gently stroking her cheek. "Do I deserve it, Andrea?" She shook her head again, a tear slowly rolling down her cheek. He rubbed it gently away with his thumb. "I can't just turn my back on him." Krycek shrugged. "Maybe not now. But can you sleep with and destroy your own brother?" Andrea jerked away, moving toward the door. "I'm not listening to this!" "Andrea!" Krycek called, before she could disappear out the door. "I know you need time. Just don't do anything in haste, okay? Give it a couple of days." She shook her head and opened the door. "I have to get out of here," she whispered, glancing down at the floor and then back up at him...looking lost. Alex gazed tenderly at her, not moving from the window. "That's okay. Go clear your head. We have time." She rushed out the door, tears rolling down her face. She moved headlong through the street, not sure where she was going. Alex watched her leave; saddened at the pain the old man's deception was causing her. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Andrea ran to the park, still crying. She moved to the water, feeling emotionally shattered and trying to pull the pieces of what she had always believed and what she had discovered into a unified picture that she could live with. So far, the two refused to mesh. She stared blankly at the water. "Andrea?" She glanced over towards the voice; not registering who it was at first. Fox Mulder gazed down at her, with a warm, concerned smile. "Hey, what's wrong?" Andrea took a deep, steadying breath, trying to focus on him through the tears still in her eyes. "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong." Mulder gave an ironic grin, and then deadpanned. "Oh, good. I'd hate to think I had to break my date with the president in order to comfort my girlfriend!" Andrea gave a shaky laugh, smiling weakly. "C'mon," Mulder urged. "Tell me what's wrong." "Oh, god," Andrea groaned at that, turning to face the water again. "Hey," Mulder urged, smiling gently. "You're not going to tell me you have some husband that just returned from the grave, are you? Personally, I prefer bad movie cliches to wait until evening to put in an appearance!" Andrea bit at her lower lip and shook her head. "No...nothing like that," she assured him, then took a deep breath. "Fox...tell me about your sister." Mulder frowned, slightly, confused by her choice of topic. "Samantha? What brings her up?" "Please? Just tell me about her...what was she like? How did she disappear?" Mulder's eyes became distant and sad. "She was eight. I was twelve. Our parents were gone for the evening. We were arguing over the television. There was a bright, white light and I couldn't move. She was taken away. I never saw her again." "What was she like? Were you close to her?" she asked, still staring off at the water, not sure she is ready for the answers. "Yeah. I love her. I miss her, still. It's been about twenty years and I think of her every day. I don't know what she was like. She was only eight, y'know? She hated carrots, loved stuffed animals, and didn't want to let me watch The Magician!" Andrea choked back a short laugh as she swayed on her feet, her mind forming the image...seeing him. The image was so real... "Zorro," she whispered, still focusing on trying to capture the image in her head. Mulder's head jerked up. "Excuse me?!" Andrea shook her head, moving away from him, realizing where she was again. "Nothing. I...I have to get out of here...I can't..." Mulder moved towards her, trying to prevent her from leaving. "Wait! How did you know that?! Only Samantha knew that! Do you know my sister?" Mulder demanded, his voice growing at once anguished and eager. Andrea groaned and shook her head, frantically. "NO! I don't *know* her...and I'm *not* her! I can't do this," she insisted, backing away from him. Mulder froze. "What do you mean you aren't her? Did someone say you're Samantha? Are you?!!" "No! I don't care what he said...it isn't true! My father wouldn't..." she trailed off, pausing, then whispered, "would do anything for *them*!" She stopped dead in her tracks, staring at Mulder, who lowered his voice trying to soothe her and coax her into talking. "Andrea? Who is your father? Did he tell you that you're Samantha? What's going on?" "No, my *father* would never say I was Samantha. He's the one who sent me here...to you." Mulder paused, reflecting on Krycek's warning. He'd played along with Andrea; waiting for signs of treachery...he just instinctively had sensed the holes in Andrea's cover story. Yet he still hadn't believed Krycek had been sincere in his warning. "Then your father is Cancerman. Did Krycek tell you that you're my sister?" Andrea covered her face in her hands, trying to make sense of everything flashing through her mind...and failing miserably. "Andrea!" Mulder pleaded. "Am I right?!" She heard his tone, her heart wincing, and shook her head. "I won't tell you that," she responded, her voice now devoid of emotion, her mind still in overload. Andrea knew instinctively that Mulder would go after Alex and maybe hurt him...or worse. "You just did," Mulder informed her in a flat, determined voice. "Ratboy's gone to far this time." "He was protecting both of us..." she defended weakly, before drifting off. "I have to go...I can't stay here...can't..." "You can't trust him. You got that right, if that's what you meant. He warned me about you, y'know. Before we met. He's a traitor to everyone." Andrea glanced sharply at him in surprise. "I should have guessed, but why did you..." "I don't know what game that black lung s.o.b. thought he was playing, but tell him I'm not taking the bait. Krycek told me to play along and I did mainly because I didn't believe him and he didn't tell me who to look out for!" Andrea paused. "I trust him with my life." "If you're naive enough to trust Krycek, you're not going to be around long! He gave me just enough warning to stir the pot, but not enough to help me." Andrea nodded, slowly, glancing over at him. She was beginning to get a clearer idea of the relationship between Mulder and Krycek. "You probably didn't give him a chance to tell you...let me guess..you had a gun in his face?" Mulder nodded sharply, not at all embarrassed by her guess. "I think he killed my father and he's tried to kill me more than once! Besides, for us, it was actually a civil conversation...I did ask who to look for." "Anyway, I have something I have to check on...and...I'm sorry," she whispered, moving away from him once again, then ran like she was trying to escape a demon chasing her. Mulder watched her go, angry, confused, and grieving. "Krycek, I am going to kill you!" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Mulder burst in the door to Andrea's apartment, still fuming and confused, yelling, "Krycek! You rat scumbag, where are you?!" Krycek turned quickly from the window, looking at Mulder as if he were a madman. "What are you doing, just breaking in here like that?" he inquired, keeping his tone low and calm, hoping to defuse some of Mulder's rage. "You treacherous, untrustworthy, callous...How could you not tell me?!" "I assume you're speaking of Andrea?" Mulder answered in a deadpan that hid the killing fury he felt towards his former partner. "Yeah, I guess you could assume that." "At the time, she didn't even know...I wasn't about to tell you, so you could slip up and tell her. She wasn't ready to know now as it is," he claimed. "Who made it any business of yours?" Mulder argued, his voice tight with anger and pain. Krycek looked down, then back up at Mulder. "I suppose she did." "She did? You said she didn't even know. How long have you known? How long have you kept her from me," Mulder grated out in a tortured voice, years of torment shining from his eyes. "Is she even really Samantha? Is she some clone made up for your amusement, Ratboy?" Krycek swallowed a heavy sigh, burying his own pain, so he could handle Mulder with cool calm. "I've known for a few months," he answered. "Yes, she *is* Samantha. Of that I am sure." Mulder grinned humorlessly, his eyes still full of pain. "You know, either way, you've proven just how low you are. Either she's Samantha and you kept her from me, *knowing* how much she means to me, or she isn't Samantha and you're playing some sick game messing with my head!" Krycek looked at Mulder in wide-eyed shocked. He shook his head in disbelief, not understanding how Mulder could think he was cruel enough to callously toy with the agent's emotions. "What the hell are you talking about, Mulder?" he asked. "I was just waiting until a time when she was ready to hear it..." "You could have told me when you first warned me about dating her!" Mulder screamed, twenty years of frustration clawing at him. "You know, she's involved in this as well. Andrea wasn't ready for all that! She still isn't. You've obviously seen her if you know what is going on...she wasn't ready," Alex insisted, trying to appeal to Mulder's concern for his sister, his own voice raising. "You aren't the only one involved in this situation, Mulder!" "That wasn't your decision to make. When did you get a psych degree, huh?" "Andrea was my first priority in all of this, Mulder, and *that* is why I didn't say anything." "You're a murdering thug, who doesn't care about anyone!" Mulder hissed. "All you had to do was tell me she didn't know...and I would have found a way to help her! I'm not stupid, Krycek, the last thing I want is to cause her more pain. But you just can't stop playing double and triple agent can you? You had no right to keep that knowledge from me!" Krycek shook his head. "Listen to yourself, Mulder. Someone throws hints about your sister and you go off the deep end. Do you think I'd risk having you rush in headlong and throw this at her? Would you have been able to keep away? No, Mulder, I couldn't take that chance. Depite what you think, I *do* care about at least one person in this world...her." "*You* care," Mulder repeated with bitter sarcasm. "You're not the one who's spent the last twenty years wondering if she was dead or alive...you're not the one who has nightmares every night about allowing her to be taken!!" Mulder sat on the couch, his eyes filling with tears. "You're not the one who's lived with the guilt over not being able to save her. She's my sister and *I'm* the one who cares about her..." "You were twelve years old, Mulder, you couldn't have saved her if you tried," Krycek tried to assure the older man, allowing some sympathy to enter his voice. "I won't apologize for doing what I thought was the best decision at the time. I would have told you as soon as I could, you know. It was never my intention to keep her from you." Krycek's mouth tightened. He didn't voice the thought that he *still* wasn't sure telling her was the right decision. She was still too caught up in the web of lies that tar-sucking bastard had wrapped her in. He was surprised Mulder was accepting that Andrea was Samantha without further proof. His main reason for not telling Mulder before, which he would never confess, was that he knew Mulder would not have believed him, not without proof that Krycek lacked, and the knowledge would only have hurt Mulder more. Mulder stood up again, his anger renewed, cutting through the pain. "You're missing part of the point, Krycek," Mulder growled. "It wasn't your decision to make!" "I had the information and had to *decide* what to do with it. So, it was at the time, wasn't it?" "I don't want my sister's fate in the hands of someone I obviously can't trust at all!" "Where did you see her, Mulder? Where was she headed?" Krycek asked, tired of discussing it. Mulder pouted, sullenly, turning away from his nemesis. "Why should I tell you anything? You didn't trust me enough to talk to me!" Krycek's voice went very quiet, as he tried to hide his anger. "Look, Mulder, I will find her with or with you. Either way I have to know where she is. So why don't you just tell me where she went?" "Why?" Mulder asked, flatly. "What is it to you?" Krycek's worry and anguish fueled a sudden spark of rage at Mulder's obstinancy. He grabbed Mulder by the chest and slammed him up against the wall. "I'm not going to play games with this, Mulder," he informed him in low tones of quiet menace. "She isn't in any condition to be going off on her own right now, and you know it!" Mulder snapped. He brought his knee up, connecting with the lower part of Krycek's abdomen. He then punched him in the face knocking him, struggling for breath, to the floor. He punched him again in the gut and face, before Krycek managed to shove him away. Krycek moved quickly out of Mulder's way, placing the couch between them. Mulder stood, glaring, drawing deep lungfuls of air. "She wouldn't be missing if it weren't for you!" he accused, then sneered, "You didn't exactly do a good job of breaking it to her! Did you, now!?" Krycek answered in a voice dark with pain, anger, and self-recrimination, "You have no idea...now, where did she go?!?" "I don't know, you stupid rat bastard!" he shouted, exasperated and enraged. "You think I'd be wasting breath on you if I did?!" Krycek quieted his tone, trying to sound reasonable. "Then perhaps we should quit fighting each other and find out." "I have contacts. I don't need your help." "Fine...except that where she will eventually end up...you can't get in." "I've done pretty good against you people so far! Are you going to let me look around or do I need to get a warrant?" Krycek motioned expansively. "By all means...she won't be coming back here now, I'm sure." Mulder began looking around the rooms. Krycek stood still in the same spot in the living room, not moving. Mulder ignored him for a while, then disappeared into the bedroom, slamming the door shut. Krycek watched the door close, then moved over to the couch and sat down. He waited, brooding, for Mulder to come out again. He was sure he heard sobbing. Fifteen minutes later, Mulder emerged, looking haggard. "Come clean, Krycek. Why are you even interested? Or pretending interest, I should say..." Krycek sighed, glancing out the window, before answering. "Because I love her," he replied, watching for Mulder's reaction and ready to move quickly if necessary. Mulder blinked; sure he had misheard. "What?" "I love her," Krycek repeated, quietly. "C'mon, Krycek, you can come up with a better lie than that! You've had plenty of practice!" Krycek looked Mulder in the eyes, just staring earnestly, not hiding his feelings behind his usual bland mask. Mulder held his eyes with discomfort, not willing to trust. "If I let you help me, and I only *might* for my reasons, I want complete honesty from you." "And you have it where she is concerned." "I mean it, Krycek," Mulder rumbled, threateningly. "You tell me everything as soon as you know it!!" Krycek nodded in acquiescence, knowing now was no time to push Mulder. Mulder continued in a quiet, dark voice, "You've betrayed me twice, Krycek. Don't do it again!" Krycek didn't reply. The first betrayal he hadn't known Mulder, had thought he owed allegiance to others. Krycek hadn't meant this as treachery at all; he hadn't expected Mulder to feel betrayed. It seemed Mulder was going to cast him in the role of traitor no matter what he did. He refused to make promises that he couldn't fulfill. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Cancerman burst into his office with a small complement of his best-trained guards. "Andrea!" he exclaimed, shocked to find his "daughter" digging through files without any authorization or permission. Andrea jumped. She had been so engrossed in the files; she had neglected to keep an ear open for approaching footsteps. She groped for her weapon, but stopped herself before pulling it, glancing at the two guards. Her father watched her with a stunned, disappointed expression. "Andrea, what are you doing here?" "I'm looking for some information...information that has been kept from me for the past twenty years, 'Father'." C.G.B. Spender dismissed his henchmen and sat down behind the desk. He calmly lit up a cigarette and took a deep drag. "What information is that?" Andrea sat down slowly in the chair in front of the desk, dreading the coming confrontation, but eager for some sign that her entire life hadn't been a charade. "The fact that I am not who I have been told I am..." "Really? And who told you this...that you're not who I say you are?" he inquired blandly, any irritation or concern carefully hidden. "It was an anonymous tip...it had enough of a ring of truth to it for me to check into it. Whoever it was, they were right." "I see," her father drawled, his voice becoming cooler. "So, you've taken the word of some anonymous stranger over me." Andrea sighed, saddened by her recent discoveries. "No, I took actual DNA evidence as word over yours," she claimed, glancing down at the desk, then looked up a bright shine to her eyes. "Am I Samantha Mulder?" The smoker puffed away, calm and cool, unruffled by the emotion-laden charges aimed at him. "And what if it is true? What if your DNA does match that of Samantha Mulder. What then? You know the importance of the cause and your importance to it...both as an operative and as my heir. Sacrifices are often necessary...your work here outweighs any other considerations...as far as anyone else is concerned; you are my daughter Andrea Spender. Mere DNA doesn't change that." She looked up, staring at his eyes, her own filled with pain. "And what about to you?" Cancerman shrugged, nonchalantly. "What about me?" "As far as everyone else is concerned, I am your daughter, but...what about you? How do you feel?" He pulled slowly on his cigarette. "I raised you as mine, didn't I? No one forced that on me, it was my decision. I am your father." Andrea leaned back in her chair, not feeling as comforted as she had imagined she would. "Why? Why was I taken from them?" "You were given to us, to contribute to the cause. You had and still have vast potential." "I see," she sighed. "I have to tell you that I feel completely betrayed. I've suddenly found out that my life was a complete lie!" "Nonsense," he remonstrated, lighting another cigarette. "Your life is what I, at first, and later you, made it. You are who you have always been...a soldier and contributor to the cause." "What about Mulder?" "What about him? He fails to see the importance of our work...he blindly pursues a justice that will kill us all." "He's my brother. Part of the reason he's like he is, is because of me!" Cancerman stamped out his cigarette, twisting out the flame. "I don't think so. He made his choices. It's been twenty years. He could have chosen to get on with his life. Like the rest of us." Andrea stared off into space, not really convinced, but knowing this was the best she was going to get. She could already feel him growing cooler, losing patience with the conversation. "Perhaps you're right." He nodded, serene, convinced of her surrender. "Of course I am. Was there anything else? Andrea ran her hand over her face, trying to ease the tension. "No," she whispered, and then continued, still quietly, "I suppose I should ask for new orders." "We'll talk more about that later," he dismissed. "And Andrea? Don't betray the trust you've been given here again." She looked up into his eyes, shivering at the coldness she saw there. "I won't." He smiled without emotion. "Good. That's all I wanted to hear. You're tired. You should get some rest." "Yes, I believe I will do that," she agreed obediently, standing and moving to leave, still troubled. Cancerman watched her go, unmoved. ~*~*~*~*~*~* END PART 3 FINAL TRUTHS (4/8) PART 4 For Information See Header in Part 1... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Alex stood outside the door to Andrea's quarters within the Consortium stronghold and knocked firmly. Inside, Andrea sat staring into space, but the loud rapping brought her back to reality. "Come in..." she called. Krycek walked in and stared down at his love. "Well, well...look who's home..." Andrea stood suddenly, glaring at him and on guard. "What do you want?" she inquired, and though her eyes were bright with indignation, her voice sounded dead. Alex smiled sadly, sensing her hurt and despair. "Is that anyway to greet me? What do you want me to want?" he asked softly, wondering why everyone he had met in the Mulder family insisted on asking him that with such venom. Andrea's mouth tightened; she didn't want to be reminded of her feelings for him. "Shouldn't you still be in Washington?" Krycek smirked. "I am definitely not Mulder's type," he joked, referring to their abandoned assignment, as he sat down in the chair next to her couch. "C'mon, Andrea. You're a professional who knows this place inside out. All I'm suggesting is that you let me take you out to lunch to relax for a little." Andrea glanced down, nodding, "Okay." "Good, let's go," Alex encouraged, stroking her cheek gently, trying to reassure her. "Trust me..." She pulled back from his hand, her glance sharpening. "I did that already." She glared up at him and he could easily read the barely controlled anger behind her defeated appearance. He sighed, suddenly tired. "Are you going to tell me I betrayed you too?" "How long did you know before you told me?" she countered, raising an eyebrow. Alex stared intently at her, trying to gauge her willingness to listen, his own emotions blazing unconcealed from the sea of his eyes. "I've known for quite awhile, actually...I wanted you to see past some smaller lies first...so it wouldn't be such a shock." "Yeah, that's what I thought. Look, let's not discuss this here...we'll continue, when we get to the restaurant." Krycek shrugged, recognizing mannerisms similar to her brother's that stated she didn't want to be argued with. "All right." Andrea grabbed her coat and led the way out to her car, Krycek following silently. She got into the passenger's side of the car and waited for him, putting her keys into the ignition. Alex climbed in, adjusting the seat for his much longer frame, and started the engine. As soon as the car started to move, Andrea resumed speaking in a friendlier tone. "I haven't had a chance to check my quarters for bugs...and right now I wouldn't trust it," she explained. Krycek smiled assuringly. "Yeah, I know. I was trying to be careful." Andrea shook her head. "You didn't do a great job at it then." Krycek shrugged, unconcerned. "He doesn't trust me anyway...We have a very uneasy truce that's preventing a bloodbath on both our parts," he admitted candidly. Andrea stared out the window at the passing scenery, not wanting to hear of the hate that existed between the man she loved and the only father she could consciously recall. "I refuse to be the reason that your situation erupts into violence, Alex." Alex entered a public park that had paths for cars, where you could drive and enjoy the scenery. He knew the car wasn't bugged and following the meandering paths would give them a chance to talk. "Andrea," Alex husked, knowing he had to change the subject. "Look, I'm sorry. I couldn't just blurt out the truth without any evidence to give you and no forewarning. And...you've been so devoted to the cause and to *him* that I wasn't sure you'd care." "And you think I do now?" she demanded sharply, glaring at him now. "I hope so...I think so. The arrogant Ms. Spender I first met on this case might not have, but the Andrea that I watched over when she had bad dreams, that I held in my arms, and that ran from a photograph...yeah, I think she cares." Andrea closed her eyes, turning from him, not wanting to hear that. "Andrea? Don't let that tar-sucking monster make you something less than human...not even in the name of saving humanity." "I am who I have made myself to be...I have made my choices. And this is the life I have chosen...the cause I have sworn to protect!" Alex winced, becoming quiet, and feeling a bit ashamed. He remembered too clearly his own, misplaced trust in the old man and his dedication to a cause he had not understood. "I understand that all too well, but I've learned some hard lessons. I was possessed by one of the aliens we're collaborating with...it was..." he gulped, trying not to allow the memory to take over, "an eye- opener." She looked at him, intrigued and horrified. She had never heard this before. "What happened?" "It used me to get back to its ship. I was in a bathroom in a Hong Kong airport. A woman walked in and attacked me. The next thing I knew, I was in an abandoned missile silo with oil running out of my mouth, my ears, my nose, and even my eyes. It was...horrible. I'd been locked in there...alone except for this alien thing...to die. By your father." "He wouldn't..." she broke off, staring out the window, contemplating just what her father *would* do. Krycek smiled sharply. "You see? I've done some pretty harsh things for the cause." "I suppose he would do anything in the name of the "cause"...but...this doesn't excuse the fact that you lied to me for so long, Alex." "It's not meant to. Like I said, I just wanted to ease you into it. I didn't want it to be the painful shock you experienced. I wanted to get you used to the idea that some of your ideas, like about your father and Mulder, were wrong." "Speaking of...where is Mulder?" "I didn't make excuses or apologies to Mulder and I'm not going to make any to you. I think he's checking out some sources of his. Probably getting information on you." "I can get him the proof he needs..if he wants it." Her mouth thinned again. She was still unsure where she was headed with all of this...and still angry at Krycek. He smiled ruefully. "Oh, he believes. He hesitates over it, but deep down, he knows the truth has finally come out..." he assured her, then smiled sadly. "He's found his holy grail..." "So, what will he do now?" "What he's always done...keep looking for you in an attempt to return you to his and his mother's sides. I told you, finding out you're alive would only focus his determination." "I can't do that." "No? What has the cause got to do with your personal life?" "They'll never allow it...you know that. *He* will never allow it." Krycek smirked, answering, "I'm living proof that they don't have absolute control, Andrea. Have you asked?" "He would kill me before he would let me go to them," she insisted, then muttered, "I did ask, sort of..." She paused, realizing for the first time, just how true those works probably were. The man she considered her father *would* kill her, before he allowed anyone else near her. She watched Krycek's features go blank and hard, recognizing his killing look. "Not very fatherly of him. I don't think I could allow that." "Alex, don't put yourself up against him. It isn't worth it." Alex's cold, green eyes focused on her intently and his gaze became warmer, though no less dangerous. "You are. And I've been up against him since I saw the blinking clock sign warning me the car was going to blow up." Andrea looked into his eyes, just as intently, then looked away. "Dammit!! Why did you have to do this to me?!?" "For your sake. For Mulder's," he answered calmly. "I won't go against the Consortium." "I never said you should...the Consortium's goal is to save humanity...but it's methods may be changing." "I don't know what you mean." "The conspiracy is breaking apart. There are factions developing. Some want to continue to collaborate...others want to join the rebel aliens. Resistance is becoming possible. We may not have to serve." Andrea shook her head. "No. I've served them my whole life...I can't change that now." "You want to be a toady for a conquering race set on enslaving all of humanity?" "That's not what we're fighting for!" Alex glanced sideways at her. "Yes, Andrea, it is. A few men like your father will have relatively easy and secure lives. The rest of humanity will be turned into clones and used as cheap labor. That was the bargain the old men made in an attempt to preserve humanity." "You don't know that," she protested, not wanting to accept it, shaking her head and looking at him as if he were nuts. Krycek sighed, knowing he had to make her face some hard truths. "Of course I do. I've seen these things, Andrea. I've seen what we're accomplishing." "Then why haven't *I* ever seen it? I think I'm smart enough to notice these things...don't you?" "I've been possessed by one of the aliens and I know exactly what it thought about me and humans. You never went on the run, struggling to survive...looking for bargaining chips." "So far, I haven't ever had to. I've never betrayed them..." She drifted off leaving another "so far" hanging unspoken between them. "And, you had a *father* to protect you and redirect your attention." "Are you saying I just allowed myself to be manipulated like a puppet?" she demanded, her anger coming out again. "I never betrayed them, until they betrayed me first," he reminded her, then spoke assuringly, "No. I'm not saying that. You were raised in the Consortium. You never had any reason to question the loyalty or affection of the smoker. He's careful, Andrea. He's a master player." "You should have seen his eyes...so cold, unfeeling. I never noticed that before. He doesn't look on me as his daughter, just as a means to an end. I just don't know what that is yet." Krycek grimaced. "All killer's develop that look sooner or later. I've seen it in the mirror a few times...it's unsettling. Yet look how easily you set out to drive an innocent man over the edge of insanity." Andrea closed her eyes in pain at the memory. She'd given no thought, no compassion to the man she had planned to ruin. "Yes, all because of loyalty to a man I thought loved me." Alex gazed calmly, almost reassuringly, at her. "All because you thought you were helping save the world." Andrea studied him, smiling just slightly, wanting so badly to believe him and his assurances. "I need to see Mulder." Alex nodded, relieved that he didn't have to convince her. "I can arrange that from the restaurant." "All right," she agreed, feeling the beginnings of peace. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Mulder entered the private dining room that Alex had commandeered. His eyes were dark with concern. Krycek placed his hand on Andrea's and nodded at Mulder. "Mulder," he greeted. Andrea bit her lower lip and gave Mulder a small smile, obviously nervous. She didn't acknowledge Alex's hand, not quite sure if she was still mad at him or not. "Andrea," Mulder addressed her hesitantly, "I...I know this is hard on you." She nodded. "It is, but...I'll survive," she allowed, but then muttered, "maybe." Mulder flinched visibly, deep pain evident in his eyes. Krycek squeezed her hand, a little ungently. Andrea sighed, glancing at Krycek, then back to Mulder. "Why don't we sit...and talk?" Mulder nodded slowly. "I saw the DNA proof. Um, here," he offered, fumbling in his coat and drawing out a photo of their mother. "I thought, well, I thought you might like to have this." Andrea reached out and took the picture, her hand visibly shaking as she took it and sat back down. Krycek shifted uneasily. "I, uh, told Andrea what we know about the Consortium and it's goals...and about the rebels." Andrea sat in her chair, just looking at the picture, biting at her lower lip. The woman was the mother from her dreams, older now, with short, silver hair, rather than long, brown tresses. Still, it was her. Just as the boy in her dream was the boy in the photo Alex had shown her. But, except for dreams, she could not recall her. Andrea couldn't remember calling her, or any other woman, mother. "Andrea," Mulder pleaded. "Please say something. Did, did he, your, uh, *father*...he didn't hurt you did he?" Andrea's eyes flew up, surprised at his suspicion, her eyes sad, and shook her head. "Not physically, no." Mulder looked extremely relieved. "Good, that's good. Um, please, tell me about yourself. Where were you taken? Where did you go to school?" "I don't remember much of anything from before I was about nine. I was placed in a girl's boarding school in Europe for a while and then I was brought over here when I hit fifteen...to another private boarding school. Then I went on to Harvard. Not much to tell, I suppose." Mulder felt a flush of pure, hot anger at the cold upbringing she had received. His own hadn't been great after Samantha disappeared, but at least he hadn't been shipped off. He'd had a mother to come home to. "So, he didn't really raise you." She shook her head, startled by his anger. "He was there...off and on...but, his job..kept him traveling. I was always told that he was saving the world...and...I believed him," she explained, then muttered, "Stupid, I suppose." Mulder shook his head, a tender smile on his lips. "No, just terribly young and misled by someone you trusted." "I honestly thought he was my father," she sighed. "I believe that right after they took me, they did some brainwashing before placing me in the Boarding School." Krycek nodded. "Oh, yeah, almost definitely. Along with DNA tests and who knows what else. I mean, you went missing when you were eight and can't remember anything before you were nine." "Lost time," Mulder mumbled. Andrea looked at Krycek and nodded. "Yes...and, I honestly thought that the things I saw happening could never happen to me." Mulder smiled sadly. "Yeah, we all think that..." "Tell me what happened...please?" Mulder nodded, sighing deeply. "I thought, I still think, that you were abducted by aliens. Probably the same beings that your *father* collaborates with..." Andrea nodded, agreeing, "Probably." "We were arguing about what to watch on TV. We'd been playing Stratego. Suddenly there was this bright light and I couldn't move. You floated away. We never talked about you. It drove us all apart. Mom and Dad divorced," he broke off briefly to glare at Krycek. "He died two years ago." Andrea glanced back and forth between the two, not knowing what was going on between them. "Died? How..." "He was murdered. I can't prove who did it, though I have my suspicions," he growled, staring hard at Krycek. Andrea glanced up at her lover. "Alex?" Krycek sighed. "I didn't kill him. I was supposed to warn him not to talk to you. I was hiding in the shower and the bullet came from the window!" he explained, staring blandly back at Mulder. "I'm not responsible for everything that goes wrong in your life, Mulder." Andrea sighed in relief, not wanting any more reasons to be mad at Alex. "Alex thinks I need to spend some time with you and...our mother. I'm almost afraid to do that." Mulder reached across the table and held her hand. "But you don't have to be afraid of anything anymore. You're not alone! I know you need time to adjust, but I need you to know that I am always there for you! I always have been," he vowed, smiling sadly. "I just couldn't find you." "You're right...I do need time to adjust. I'm so confused right now. I don't even know what to believe." Andrea looked down at their joined hands, letting him hold hers, but not returning the hold. Mulder started to speak, but stopped, not sure what he could say. "He's already basically told me that he wouldn't just let me go, without actually saying so, that is." "Andrea, I know you must...care...about him. But I have to make him pay! Not just for taking you away, but for all of the people he has cruelly murdered and destroyed...for betraying the human race for his own ends," Mulder stopped, abruptly, not wanting to hurt her. "I'm sorry, but that's how I feel. He's hurt me too much" Andrea closed her eyes and sighed. "He isn't the only one guilty of all that and I'm not completely sure I believe in all of what I've been told...the Consortium...I thought we were trying to save humanity...not destroy it." "I know better...I've seen what these people do. Why do you think they want to dispose of me? I've seen the truth...I just can't prove it. The Consortium seeks to enslave humanity to an alien race, securing positions of power for themselves..." "I told her some of what I had seen," Krycek interjected. "Take it slow, Mulder. She was...protected." Andrea stood abruptly, moving back and forth, pacing. "I can't just...turn against them." "I told you, Andrea," Krycek reminded her, "you don't have to betray the Consortium." Mulder glared hard at Krycek. "Yeah, Krycek, we know how deep you are in with them." Andrea stopped her pacing to glare at Mulder. "Will you stop it?" she snapped, a bit irritated at having to deal with their animosity at that moment. Mulder looked up from his chair with an expression of hurt innocence. "What? Why is it my fault?" She raised her eyebrow. "I believe because you are the only one throwing around nasty comments and looks at the moment." "Well, if you had to put up with the same stuff from him that I do, you wouldn't like him either," Mulder grumbled, then accused, "He handed Scully over to be abducted!" Andrea put up a hand. "I'm not prepared to get into that right now." Mulder sighed, knowing his sister did not need any more problems to work through. "Okay, I'll ignore him..." "For him, that's an improvement," Krycek offered, sardonically. "Alex, you too," Andrea warned. He smiled with disarming charm. "Sure." Andrea returned her attention to Mulder. "Look, right now I need to go back, do my job, and figure some things out...check on a few things and decide where I am with all of this." Mulder nodded, not wanting to see her go, but willing to do what was best for her. "I know, but please, think about things and look into what's happening...and...try not to hurt anyone, ok? Try to protect the innocent," he pleaded. Andrea lifted her chin at that. "I never felt I was hurting anyone who was innocent. That's where the problem lies, isn't it? Everyone has a different definition of innocent." Mulder sighed, saddened and disappointed by the coolness of her response. "My definition of innocent is anyone who has not been convicted of a crime after being given a fair trial in a court of law. These men hurt innocent children, Andrea. They abduct housewives and teenagers. I've seen that myself." Andrea shook her head, horrified by the claim. "I won't believe that until I have proof." "I understand that. I've been trying to get proof and I'll find a way to get you what little I do have." She nodded. "I'd appreciate that. I've already been caught snooping once. I don't think they'll take too kindly to it again." Mulder paled a little. "Be very careful, Andrea. These men wouldn't hesitate to kill you. Dad was one of them once and they didn't hesitate..." She nodded sharply. "I know." "Don't worry about it, Mulder," Krycek assured him. "I'll handle the Consortium. You just worry about your...personal relationship." Andrea sat down again next to Alex. "Thank you, Alex," she whispered, smiling slightly. Mulder nodded, hesitantly, not wanting to thank Krycek, but unwillingly grateful that someone was there to watch over his little sister. Andrea ran her fingers through her hair. "I need to get back. They're going to wonder where I am and come looking for me soon." Krycek nodded. "Plus, we need to find out what our new orders are going to be. I may even be able to get us some help. Mulder, I'll contact you when I can...if I have anything for you." Mulder nodded, sighing, and looked intently into Andrea's eyes. "Please, be careful." Andrea smiled slightly, nodding. "I will." Mulder got up and left, not wanting to watch his sister walking away with Krycek. Andrea sat, staring at the table for a few minutes. "Andrea? Are you ready?" She look up at him and nodded, pulling out of her thoughts. "Yeah, I am." Alex smiled gently, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It'll work out. You'll see. It'll be better than either of you imagine...if the right people win the game." Andrea looked at him, wistfully. "And how can we be sure the right people are winning the game?" Alex smiled, enigmatically. "Well, I think you need to see some proof, before I can answer that question." "I think you're right." Krycek smirked. "Odd admission, coming from a Mulder," Krycek mumbled. "Wonders never cease." "Just get me home...I need some rest." Alex nodded and led her out the door, guiding her gently by the hand. Andrea didn't fight the familiar touch, enjoying the feeling. He walked silently to the car, sensing she was talked out and needing time to adjust. ~*~*~*~*~*~* END PART 4 FINAL TRUTHS (5/8) PART 5 For Information see Header in Part 1... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Alex sauntered into Andrea's rooms, his eyes alive with mischief. "Andrea. I have a job I want you to help me with." "Where at? Doing what? Do I have authorization to leave?" she threw the questions at him with a slight smile. Krycek smiled, too, but his expression was oddly blank. "You'll see. Yes." Andrea's brow furrowed as she retorted, "Alex, I am not just packing up and leaving unless I know what this is all about." Krycek frowned, slightly, a little surprised that she was not cooperating and was willing to talk in her rooms. "We're going on a mission, Andrea. To obey orders like good little soldiers. We're doing a job for my employer. It's all been cleared and authorized." "*Your* employer...as opposed to *my* employer? Andrea stared closely and noticed with trepidation that he was smiling his cold "killing" smile. "He is authorized to put you on jobs..." Andrea nodded. "Understood...so, cold or warm clothes?" "Warm. We're going to Nevada." "Nevada?" she mouthed at him as she moved into her room to pack. Krycek nodded, smiling sharply. Andrea quickly packed a small bag and rejoined him in her living area. "I'm ready." Krycek turned back to her from the window, smiling. "Well, I guess I should tell you what our mission is..." Andrea smiled and glanced over at him as she moved out the door. "It would be nice. You come in and whisk me away saying we are going to Nevada. You're going to make me think you're going to try to get me to marry you in Vegas." She grinned at her joke, watching for his reaction. Krycek laughed, making Andrea stare, briefly. The laugh was the most genuine sound imaginable. His amusement shone from his eyes, turning them the color of summer grass; it made him look young. "Hey, if I thought I could get away with it, you'd be in trouble. Unfortunately, this is official business." "All right," she gave a mock sigh. "What is it then?" "We're going to retrieve a file on Samantha Mulder. Fox has been causing problems and violence and forceful coercion has't worked. So, my employer decided it's time to use a carrot instead." Andrea gazed over at him with a thoughtful smile. "But that means we'll have a chance to read it...and it might have some information in it that we don't have already. And they think this file will help, eh? Somehow, I wouldn't bet on it." Krycek smiled. "That's right...my employer wants to offer the file in exchange for his helping the rebels. Plus, he suspects that your father is keeping secrets from the rest of the Consortium. He wants to know what happened to Samantha Mulder." They drove in peaceful silence to the airport, both of them wanting to be somewhere that was relatively safe from bugs, before discussing their mission in depth. Once they were safely in their seats, Andrea asked a question that was bothering her. "How did you manage to get me in on this assignment, considering who he believes I am? What if the file divulges my real identity?" Krycek sighed, not sure how to explain. "I'm not sure why he allowed it...he's sort of been a mentor to me, so maybe he's trying to show that he trusts me. And...I think we can trust him with your identity, considering how he wants to use it...to unite you with your brother. The knowledge could really hurt Spender's standing in the Consortium." Andrea glanced at him sharply, her hidden anger coming out a bit. "Don't you think I should be the one to make that decision? You have a funny way of taking that information and using it for your own purposes, when and where you will, you know." Krycek glanced at her. "Maybe you're right. I'm sorry, Andrea, but I've been this way for a long time, using whatever scraps I could to survive. It's defined my life, but...I'm trying to be respectful of your wishes and use the information in ways you would want...well, mostly, anyway. I agree with Mulder. Spender's got to pay...I owe him." Andrea's eyes darkened at the mention of her "father" and his crimes. "I believe I get first dibs on that right now. As for revealing who I am...that will come in time. But I'm not ready to make that decision right now, okay?" Krycek nodded, understanding. "You're absolutely right. Andrea, we're not talking about a general announcement. The knowledge will be kept to my patron, me, and Mulder. My employer emphasized that himself. In fact, I think he already suspects...our mission ended rather suspiciously." "Yeah, I suppose it did," she agreed, glancing out of the window at the clouds. "I know that, but I will decide when and where it will be divulged and to whom." "No one's rushing you to admit it to anyone. The only people who are likely to find out either already know or strongly suspect." "I know that, but I'm still coming to terms with it all. How can I expect anyone else to accept it yet?" "Never mind anyone else, Andrea. Let them deal with it or not. Who cares? You and Mulder know the truth and that's all that matters! Anything else is just business." Andrea looked at him, a wry smile twisting her lips. "I know," she agreed, dryly, and then paused. "You know, I haven't totally forgiven you for hiding this from me for so long." Krycek sighed, a tired and exasperated sound. "You damn Mulder's never forgive me for anything!" Andrea smiled with sympathetic understanding and laid her hand on his arm. "That doesn't mean I won't. It just means I'm still angry that you didn't tell when you first found out about it...regardless of how much you felt you were protecting me." Krycek smiled, a softer expression coming to his eyes, and he laid his hand on top of hers. "You'll forgive me eventually? That's different. I'm sorry...I didn't do it because I don't have a high opinion of you...I just...you didn't have any reason to believe me..." Andrea nodded, remembering their early relationship. "I know, but I should have been given the choice of believing you or not." "Okay, I can understand that," he agreed, then smiled charmingly, with a sweetness that was perhaps too sincere. "I'm sorry, Andrea." She squeezed his arm lightly, not at all fooled by the show of repentance. "I know." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Krycek paced up and down in front of the terminal gates, trying to burn off his nervous energy. Mulder's flight was just arriving and Krycek knew he was going to be furious. Krycek was so busy worrying and fuming that he didn't see Mulder coming. Mulder stared; he knew Krycek and he was not the type to pace or fidget. Those tendencies had been burnt out of the rat by the rigors of his job. Blinking away his surprise, Mulder approached Krycek, who stopped his pacing once he spotted Mulder. Krycek stood up straight, preparing himself for what he knew was an inevitable confrontation. "Mulder." "Krycek...what's going on? You said there was a problem with Andrea. What happened?" Krycek took a deep breath. "She's disappeared. Directly from her hotel room; though there is no exact proof of that fact." Mulder growled low in his throat, a horrible suspicion growing as he recognized what Krycek was describing. "What? Exactly what are you telling me, Krycek?" "Mulder, calm down," Scully advised. "Let's go to the hotel room and look around." She turned to Krycek, her expression cool, but calm, with one eyebrow raised. "Are you sure she didn't get mad at something and go home? She's been under a lot of stress." "I'm telling you that she is gone...she went into her room and an hour later was gone," Krycek insisted, appearing agitated as well. "I called you asap...figured both of us could find her easier than just one. No, Scully. We were sharing a two bedroom suite. She was exhausted and went to bed early. I stayed up reading in the living area. I heard something in her room, went to look in on her, and couldn't find her. She was nowhere to be found." "She's gone again," Mulder mourned, sounding sick and in despair. "I just got her back and she's gone. Why weren't you protecting her?" "I did my best, Mulder. I can't be with her 24/7! Believe me, if I could, I would." "Mulder, calm down. We'll find her," Scully soothed, running her hand lightly up and down his arm. "I'm sorry. You just...neither of you can really understand. I want to see the hotel room," Mulder requested. Krycek nodded. "That's where I figured we would go first." Scully nodded firmly. "Let's go. What were you doing in Nevada, Krycek?" Krycek glowered at Mulder. He didn't understand. He'd just lost the woman he loved, but he refrained from speaking, knowing that now was not a good time to antagonize the federal agent. He jerked his head towards the exit, indicating for them to follow. "We were sent here to find some files," he explained briefly, moving towards the exit and his waiting rental car. Mulder glanced sharply at him. "What files?" "I can't go into that just yet, Mulder...but, soon." Mulder slowed his pace, so Krycek stopped, turning to face him. "Listen, Ratboy, if we're going to work together, I expect honesty. You and your Consortium secrets have cost me and Scully to much already." Krycek held Mulder's gaze steadily, ignoring the small trickle of guilt that Mulder's words created. "You have my honesty in this, Mulder. But right now, the identity of those files doesn't have any bearing on what is going on, so we can discuss them later. I'm sure you'll get a chance to look them over." "Anything connected to the Consortium is our business, since it might help us bring these men to justice for innumerable crimes," Scully disagreed. "Let's just get in the car and get out of here, shall we?" he inquired, glancing over his shoulder. "We can go into specifics later." "Damn rat," Mulder muttered, following angrily, "can't answer a simple question without double talk and secrets." Scully stared in disapproval at Krycek and walked with one hand on Mulder's arm, hoping that this encounter wouldn't dissolve into violence as past encounters had. "Get in the car, Mulder," Krycek commanded firmly, opening up the driver's side door and looking over at him. He glanced past Mulder's shoulder at the airport crowd. "You, too, Scully." Mulder glared with icy sullenness, but obeyed, getting into the back seat. Scully climbed in next to him. Krycek watched the street in the rear view mirror, noticing the men following him quickly get into a car and follow. Mulder noticed the movements of Krycek's eyes. "Who's back there?" "A couple of faces that I just realized I've seen too much of since being here." Krycek sped up as he left the airport proper and moved onto the Vegas streets. He watched as the car behind them sped up as well, swerving around cars to catch up with them. "Ever get tired of the 007 lifestyle and just want to be a janitor, Krycek?" Mulder deadpanned with his unique humor. "Tried that already. They said I was overqualified," Krycek claimed, grinning evilly back at Mulder. "Too much competition for the other rats, Krycek?" Krycek glared at Mulder, not answering, and swerved abruptly into the other lane, causing Mulder to lose his balance in his seat. "Sorry about that, Mulder. I didn't mean to do that." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Alex opened the door to his apartment and stepped inside before turning the light on. "What the...?!?" he exclaimed, angrily, pulling out his gun. The suite was completely trashed, with furniture strewn everywhere and torn up. Clothing had been thrown every which way. "Looks like some cats came by to play with you, Krycek," Mulder observed with dark humor. "Later, Mulder," Scully interrupted. "Krycek, were they looking for the files?" "Probably, yeah," Krycek confirmed, grimly. "This has to be Spender's doing...he wouldn't want those files to get into the wrong hands." "I thought the Consortium had arranged for you to retrieve the files." "That wouldn't stop that tar-sucking s.o.b.," Mulder stated. Krycek glanced at Mulder, glad that Mulder's anger was directed at Cancerman, at least for the moment. "Exactly." Krycek moved to check out the apartment to make sure no one was still there. Scully shook her head in disapproval, as she examined the destruction. "So much for honor among thieves," she mumbled. Mulder searched the other rooms, his gun drawn, but held loosely. His eyes scanned for signs of forced entry or other clues. Krycek stepped back out into the living area. "It's clear. A shame they didn't get what they were after." Scully stared at him, her eyebrows raised. "You still have the file? Krycek nodded with satisfaction. "I wasn't stupid enough to leave it here." "I want to see it!" Mulder demanded. "I don't have it here or on me." Mulder sneered, "Figures. Where is it, Krycek? In your jacket? At the airport?" "Something like that," he evaded, not wanting to say too much for fear the apartment was now bugged. "We'll worry about that later," Scully intervened. "Right now, we need to focus on locating Ms. Spender." Mulder winced at the use of that name. Alex moved into one of the bedrooms. "This is where Andrea was...not that any evidence is left now," he mused angrily. Krycek looked around, frustrated, at the trashed room. Mulder moved past him and spoke in an odd tone that mixed genuine sympathy with slightly bitter mocking. "C'mon, Krycek. You know FBI procedure, how to investigate a crime scene. Let's do this." Krycek nodded, shunting aside his personal feelings to focus on the work that needed to be done. Placing his gun in the holster, he moved towards the window. Mulder noted the open window and the bubbling of the paint around the window frame. Krycek glanced up at Mulder, wanting his reaction. "So?" "Think about it, Krycek! What could be hot enough all the way up here to melt this paint. I bet she was taken in a ship." "Yeah, which means Spender was definitely involved," Krycek affirmed, a murderous look in his eyes. "Don't you dare do anything to him, Ratboy. I've got dibs." Alex looked at Mulder, a twisted expression of amused sadness giving him a haunted appearance. "Unfortunately, Andrea claimed that right not too long ago. Let's hope we find her so she has her chance to fulfill it." Mulder's eyes softened. "Okay, yeah, I'll give up my claim for her...but you behave yourself, Krycek. Now, where would he take her?" "Not back to the compound...I know that much." Scully entered the room, having examined other areas of the suite. "Is there only one compound? Might there be some in other countries? Like Consortium embassies?" Krycek nodded. "There are, but that would be too obvious. He may have taken her up to Nellis...perhaps to 51." "That depends," Scully argued. "If there are a lot of them, it would take some time to check them...long enough for him to *re-educate* her. And how much access do you reasonably have to the other compounds? It might look odd if you suddenly showed up in Australia." "I only have access to five compounds here and in Europe...which is more than most people have." "Bully for you, Ratboy. I see you're moving up in the *new world order*," Mulder mocked. Krycek glared, but didn't respond to the taunt. "The fact is, if they took her by ship, the logical beginning place would be Area 51 up near Nellis...where they took her from there, I'm not sure." Scully shot Mulder a warning glance, then continued. "Then we can probably eliminate the five compounds you have access to, but we need to check the others. And don't forget Hampton, VA, where that mass abduction took place...she might even be in North Dakota. They were hiding something there." Alex nodded. "She could be anywhere. I'm going to go back to the compound and see if we can't get some help in locating her." "Exactly. These are government men who have her and they have plenty of resources. We need to get in touch with some of ours." "I will take care of things on my end and get back to you once I know more." "That's fine. Mulder and I will return to Washington. Do you have a secure number where we can reach you?" Mulder wanted to argue, wanted to tear the country apart until they found his sister, but kept quiet, knowing Scully was right. "Yes, my cell," Krycek confirmed, handing them his business card. "It's the safest of all phones...more secure." Scully took the card and slipped it in her purse. "Thank you." Mulder also nodded a brief acknowledgement, before following Scully out of the apartment. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Krycek walked into his patron's office, a large file in his hand. The British gentleman looked up, pleased to see his young protoge. "Ah, Alex, I see the mission was successful. Please sit down." Krycek couldn't keep the grim anxiety he felt from reaching his expression; he sat down as indicated. "Thank you," he stated, handing over the file. The Brit studied Alex for a moment, noting the hardness in his eyes and the unhappy cast of his face. "What is wrong?" he prodded gently, taking the file and setting it on his desk, giving Alex his attention. "We have a problem. The mission didn't go off without a hitch. Andrea was abducted while we were there. And our apartment was ransacked." The old man's eyebrows rose with aristocratic coolness. "Abducted? You don't mean merely taken or kidnapped," he intoned, his words matter of fact; he was not guessing. "No, I don't. All evidence points to alien involvement." "I see...if you are correct, and I don't doubt you, then someone in our...association...has seriously overstepped some boundaries." "I'm quite sure I know who it was." The well-manicured man came out from behind the desk and stood close to Alex. Although he stood over him, there was no sense of looming or intimidation. There was in his stance a feeling almost of protection. The Brit rested a gentle hand on Alex's shoulder. "Don't act prematurely, Alex. Our associate still has friends. And you've been with me long enough to know there are more satisfying ways to revenge than a bullet in someone's skull!" Alex gazed respectfully up at his mentor. "I know, but if he has hurt her in anyway...I'll kill him." The gentleman smiled ruefully. "I had no idea the two of you were so close. You weren't this protective of Cardinal!" Krycek nodded. "Very true. But, things are different with Andrea. She and I work well together." The Brit smiled, amused, wondering if Alex thought him too old to recognize the signs of romance. "That doesn't appear to be all, Alex. After all, you've only been on two assignments together." Alex took a deep breath, wondering why he'd thought he could conceal anything from those sharp, old eyes. "She means a lot to me," he admitted, hoping *this* old man wouldn't see such sentiment as weakness. His patron's eyebrows raised. "I see...and why do you suppose our associate decided to have her taken? He doesn't usually waste resources on mere pettiness." "Re-education. He was worried she was going to leave the Consortium," Krycek evaded, doing his best to honor Andrea's wish and not tell who she was. The Brit frowned. "Why would he think that? You're still part of the Consortium despite the...tension...between the two of you. He doesn't suspect you of anything, does he?" Krycek shook his head. "No...nothing." The Brit gave a sigh of relief. "Good...very good, Alex. And your current intentions are?" Alex knew he now had to be completely honest. He needed this man's help and the information was in the files anyway. "She recently became aware of the fact that she isn't Andrea Spender," he clarified. His patron's eyebrows again went up, this time in genuine surprise. "Oh, isn't she?" "She's actually Samantha Mulder." The Brit's look of surprise faded quickly. "You are quite sure of that?" Krycek nodded, continuing, "Quite sure...there's DNA evidence to prove it and, if we intend to get Mulder's help, then we should help him find her again." Alex watched as a rare hint of anger came into the old man's eyes. "The fool. That damned, arrogant fool," he snarled, then he took a deep breath. His thin lips thinned at his own burst of temper and he smiled, the expression a bit shaky. "Mulder knows, then? Well, you're right, Alex. Helping him recover his sister would definitely elevate us in Agent Mulder's opinions..." Alex nodded, respectfully ignoring the Brit's momentary loss of control. "Agreed. So, I figured we could employ some of our resources in finding her." The old man gazed skeptically at his student. "That would have to be done very cautiously, indeed. Lest we risk our own standing in the group." "Let me do it. I can move about more freely and have already been seen working against Mulder...if I work it right, no one will know what I am doing." The Brit stared thoughtfully, considering. "That could put you at some risk, Alex...I'm not sure it'd be a good idea right now. Spender really would like a second chance at finishing you." Alex took a deep breath, unwilling to offend this man, but also unwilling to back down. "Whether authorized or not...I will find her. And in the process take care of Spender, if given the chance," Alex insisted, glowering angrily, remembering missed opportunities to remove his former boss. The Brit frowned, not angry, but needing to remind Alex who was in charge. "I don't think that is very helpful, Alex. The last time you took on Spender outside the Consortium, you ended up buried alive in a missile silo." Krycek breathed deeply, again, trying to fight a sudden panic. "I can't just leave her...I won't." His patron's eyes softened. "I said nothing about abandoning the lady to her own resources, Alex," the Brit clarified, in tones of soft reproach. "I merely was saying that you cannot turn this into a personal crusade and neglect all else...including your own safety." Krycek sighed. "I know you didn't mean that. It's just..." Alex broke off, not able to say anymore, overwhelmed with worry. Alex's mentor smiled softly, pleased with this evidence that the Smoker had failed to erase Alex's humanity. "I think your original idea was best. You won't look for her yourself, but will provide Agent Mulder with any help you can...I think we'll be able to provide him with enough resources to enable him to find her." Alex's eyes hardened. He wasn't happy with that, but he nodded slowly in acknowledgement. "Perhaps later, when it's not on everyone's minds, you'll be able to risk a personal search," the Brit amended, hoping to appease the young man. He smiled comfortingly. "Go and get some rest, Alex. You look tired..." Alex stood and motioned to the file. "That file has some interesting information. It should enlighten you to a few things," he offered, then turned and moved towards the door. "I'm sure it will...and Alex?" Alex paused, turning to meet his mentor's steady gaze. "You will have revenge...for everything." Krycek nodded, smiling a little. "I hope so." ~*~*~*~*~*~* END PART 5 FINAL TRUTHS (6/8) PART 6 For Information see Header in Part 1... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Krycek pulled out his cell phone, a slight tremble to his fingers. Rage burned through him like a fever, as he hit autodial to Mulder's phone. At the other end, Mulder picked up. "Mulder." "Hey...have you found anything out yet?" "Not much. No one's seen or heard anything." "I heard a few things from Spender earlier today. I think I was meant to overhear," he grated, his voice getting dark and angry. Mulder gripped the phone tighter, but kept his tone cool, replying, "Well, we know he has her..." "Exactly. He basically confirmed he knew where she was...and that she is pregnant. Of course, he didn't say where." Mulder paused, going still. "Repeat that last, Krycek. I know I didn't hear you right," Mulder prompted, his voice flat and dry. "He confirmed he knew where she was, but didn't divulge where. Said she was *resting*," Krycek sneered, barely able to control his anger. Mulder's voice grew sharp. "No, Krycek. What did you say immediately after you said he confirmed it." Alex closed his eyes and rubbed his hand over his face, not wanting to repeat it, knew the news would cause too much worry and anguish. "She's pregnant," he repeated, his voice cracking a bit. There was a long pause on the other end, then Mulder's voice returned, low and infuriated. "You double-crossing rat bastard!" "What?!" Krycek offered, getting angry at Mulder's reaction. "It's not bad enough she's taken away to fulfill some nefarious plan, but you have to mess around in her life?" "And you think she didn't have a say in it?!? Look, Mulder...she means more to me than just about anything else. I would never do anything to hurt her. And I promise you...I didn't just arbitrarily "mess around" in her life. She *is* my life, Mulder...and I will get her back." Mulder smirked to himself, certain that last had slipped out. "Yeah? That'd be a switch for you, Krycek. You seem to like arbitrarily mucking around in my life," Mulder halted, hearing what Alex had said. "You can't expect me to believe that, Krycek...I thought torturing me was you life...what if I get jealous?" Krycek snorted, staring at the ceiling. If Mulder was cracking jokes, even insulting ones, then he was taking the news better than Krycek had expected. "Priorities change, Mulder. You'll just have to get used to it. Besides, how do you know I'm not doing this just to continue torturing you at a closer range?" he intimated with dark humor. Mulder's next comment came in an amused snarl. "Because, if you're just using my sister for any reason, I'll kill you for real...so don't even go there!" Alex exhaled, sharply, annoyed. "I won't get into this any further, because no matter what I say, you'll always believe the worst. So, Mulder...I can promise you I'll find a way to prove to you what I say. Maybe not now, tomorrow, or next week, but I *will* prove it to you. And her." "You bring bad opinions down on yourself, Krycek!" Mulder snapped. "After everything you've done, you've no right to expect me to say 'Oh, that's all right, Alex, date my sister! It doesn't matter that you killed our father, or had my best friend abducted, or tried to kill me. Or pretended to be my friend and then betrayed me!' Well, it does matter, Krycek. I won't be hurt by you again...I won't let you hurt her ever." "You don't get it, Mulder. This isn't about you. It's about Andrea. And we'll see what happens once we get her back. Either way...this discussion is over." "No, it's not about me. I'd risk myself before I'd risk her..." "So would I. So, at least we know we're both coming from the same place." "I don't know that at all. I don't like trusting you with her life." "Well, you don't have a choice right now. Neither of us do." Mulder chuckled sourly. "No, we don't. And you're right...I don't have a choice. Just don't expect me to like it." "I don't believe I asked you too, Mulder," Krycek reminded him, furious and afraid that his past mistakes and Mulder's hatred would drive a wedge between him and the woman he loved...whose love he needed. "Anything else you'd like to say, Krycek?" Mulder inquired, his voice cold as space. "Nope, I believe I wreaked enough havoc for one night," Krycek returned, hiding his bitterness with his own brand of casual flippancy. "Have a wonderful evening, Mulder. Good night." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Krycek stormed into the well-manicured man's office without even knocking. Stalking up to the desk, he threw a file down in front of him. "What is that?" he demanded. The Brit raised an eyebrow, surprised by Alex's rudeness. He examined the file, then sighed, tired. Krycek's eyes narrowed. "So, is it true?" Alex's patron sighed again, sounding sad. He stood up. "Sit down, Alex," he commanded, the words firm and unyielding. Alex obeyed, watching the Brit's every move. The well-manicured man stood in front of Alex, his hands in his pocket. His stance was non-confrontational. "Before you blow up in a rage, I want you to do me the courtesy of hearing me out. Can you do that?" Alex nodded sharply, though barely containing his rage. This...this was just too much on top of everything else right now. His patron smiled softly and gently touched Alex's cheek. "All right. Yes, you are my son...my firstborn child in fact. You know of the choice faced by Bill Mulder. Everyone who had one in the Consortium was giving up a child as part of the pact with the aliens...you were only a couple of days old, when this decision was reached. I...couldn't allow it. The actual abductions were scheduled to occur years later, almost ten years passed before they began. I couldn't raise a child just to hand you over to them, for...study. So, I arranged for the Krycek's to adopt you...I had met the man who raised you during the war and we were friends. I entrusted him with your life." "Why wasn't I told?" "How could you be informed without the possibility of others discovering my deceit? The idea was to protect you, Alex. We told everyone that you died." "Once I was older...and joined the Consortium...you should have told me!" The old man smiled, almost amused at Alex's naivet,. "How did that change anything? You were right under the nose of the last person I wanted to find out your identity." "So, now I can't be trusted to keep things to myself?" The old man sighed, exasperated. "I didn't say that...by the time you joined the Consortium, you were Alex Krycek and you showed very little need of any parental supervision. Plus, I worried that telling you would endanger you, since I would have to bring forth proof. To be honest, I had seriously considered telling you since you came to work for me..." Krycek stood up and began pacing, the turmoil raging through him. "It's like playing God with my life! Not you or anyone else has that right!" he stopped, realizing, for the first time, just why Andrea was so upset about his deception. "I should have been told...given a chance to get to know you as my father." He stopped and stared hard at his father. "I'm sorry if you're angry at me, Alex, but I won't apologize for trying to protect you. That is one of the rights and duties of a parent." Krycek chuckled with grim humor. "Funny, I said almost that exact same thing to Andrea, when she found out I knew about who she really was." "I couldn't hand you over to the aliens and I wasn't about to give our associate any reasons to attack you." "He already knows. Has probably known for some time now...and was just waiting for the right time to do this." The Brit smiled, proud of his son's intuition. "Naturally. Why do you think he gave you the file, Alex? He hoped to turn us against each other. To make you hate me." "If that was his goal...he failed. I'm angry...but, I won't allow this to interfere with," Krycek broke off, sighing, emotionally exhausted. "I don't hate you." His father smiled, relieved. "I'm very glad to hear that. I'm sorry for the deception. I couldn't see any other way to keep you safe. I've helped you as best I could, when I could...it was a relief to get you into my employment and away from Spender." Alex nodded. "I see now why you did it...although at the time, I was wondering." The Brit frowned, looking deeply sad. "Never think you were abandoned, Alex. I have always watched over you." Alex smiled, slightly. "That's good to know." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Mulder opened the door, curious as to who would be knocking at eleven on a Saturday night. He knew it couldn't be Scully; they had finished talking on the phone only twenty minutes ago. Standing in his hallway was Krycek, an odd gleam in his eyes. Remembering their last phone conversation when Krycek had told him that Andrea was pregnant, Mulder lashed out, planting a harsh blow on Krycek's jaw. Krycek staggered backwards, a stunned expression on his face. Somehow, he'd thought that he and Mulder had gotten beyond this. "Hell, Mulder! What was that for?!" he demanded angrily. "What do you want?" Mulder inquired, his voice filled with chill disgust. Krycek blinked. He didn't expect a warm welcome, by any means, but he hadn't expected such open hostility either. They hadn't been best friends by any means these past few months during their search for Andrea, but they had at least formed a tacit truce in their combined effort to the find the woman they both loved. "What's your problem, Mulder?" he asked. "You're screwing my sister. It doesn't make me happy," Mulder hissed, glowering. "I love your sister!" Krycek growled. "Spare me, Krycek. What are you doing here?" Mulder asked. "Can I come in a minute? We need to talk." "I think we've said everything we need to. State whatever it is you have to say, then get out of here." Krycek exhaled in an exasperated puff of breath. "I've located Andrea. We need to make plans for her rescue. I'm assuming you'll want in on it," he retorted. Mulder took a deep breath, then stepped aside, ungraciously allowing Krycek in. Glancing warily and almost expecting another blow, Krycek stepped through the doorway before following Mulder to his living room. Mulder sat down on his couch, while Alex sat in the chair in front of Mulder's computer. "Where is she?" Mulder demanded. "She's in Germany, at one of the compounds there. We're studying her movements. She rarely leaves the compound and is always accompanied by a bodyguard, who acts as her chauffeur." Mulder nodded, a brief movement of his head, to acknowledge the information. He thought for a minute. "How are we going to get there? We'll have to get her out of Germany as soon as possible." "My...the British gentleman that I work for is going to come with us. He's providing a private jet. We figured we'd take her and possibly you to England to lay low for a while. Can you get some time off?" "Yeah, when?" "I'm not sure. Within the next few weeks, probably. The baby will be due soon." Mulder flinched at the mention of his sister's pregnancy. "God, Mulder, what is your problem? I've found her! I really expected you to be more enthusiastic. You act like you barely care!" Mulder's eyes narrowed and he stood up, looming over Krycek. "I care more about her than you're capable of caring about anything, Krycek. The only reason I'm not putting a bullet in your brain is because you might be useful in getting her back and because she and the baby might need you...though for what, I can't imagine!" Krycek looked up at Mulder in shock, floored by the bitter hatred that came off the federal agent in waves. Surely this wasn't about the argument they'd had on the phone? Sure some bitter words had been exchanged, but both men had been under a lot of stress, worried about Andrea. "Are you going to tell me what has you so pissed off?" Krycek pressed, trying to stay calm, knowing getting angry with Mulder would only make things worse; if he wanted a permanent relationship with Andrea, he was going to have to make some sort of peace with her brother. Mulder gave a short, disbelieving laugh. "Just the usual, Krycek. Tell me, have you figured out how you're going to explain her father's murder to her yet?" "Damn you, Mulder! What do you want me to say to that, huh? I have a lot of regrets about a lot of things, but I can't change the past! I still love her!" "You don't give a shit about the past, Krycek," Mulder scoffed. Krycek went very still, taking a slow deep breath, trying to fight the anger that was engendered by very real regret and the helplessness he always felt when dealing with Mulder. "See, you betrayed me so easily, Krycek, how can I know that you won't betray her too?" "Easily? I was forced to betray someone I considered a friend! You think that was easy?" Mulder gave the question mock consideration. "Um...yeah. Yeah, for you it was. It was harder on Scully, what with her cancer and sterility, and me, of course, but hey...this isn't about me, is it," Mulder mocked. Krycek shifted uncomfortably, for a moment, then went and looked out the window. He knew that no matter what he said, Mulder was always going to despise him and think the worst of him, but for Andrea's sake, he felt he had to try. "I can't change the past, Mulder," he repeated, "and I can't make you change your mind about me. I do regret some of the things I've done. Hell, I regret having done *anything* for that tar-sucking bastard." "Yeah, that I believe. It almost got you killed." "No!" Krycek shouted, frustrated. "I regret trusting him, believing that I was justified, because of what we were supposedly trying to accomplish. You think I don't regret helping that son of a bitch get Scully? I know about her cancer...and her sterility. I wouldn't wish that on any woman and I *like* Scully!" "Nothing justifies murder...or the abduction of innocent people for those experiments." Krycek sighed, feeling tired and drained. Between his joy at locating Andrea and the anger and pain of confronting Mulder, he felt emotionally overloaded. "I'm sorry for the past, but I won't let it destroy what I have with Andrea. I love her, Mulder. I told you I would prove that to you and I will. There's no other option." Mulder sat down in the chair that Krycek had abandoned and leaned back, studying his sometime nemesis. The man appeared sincere and there was some evidence in their past to back his story. Guilt might explain why Krycek had allowed himself to be beaten by Mulder without ever having sought revenge. He also didn't believe Krycek would offer insincere apologies; the man could barely be bothered to show genuine emotion. For a few quiet moments, the men stayed still, each deep in thought. "You're going to have to explain about our father to Andrea...but I won't get in the way of your relationship with her. I'll play nice, if you will." Krycek blinked, not believing what he was hearing. "That's it? All that anger and hatred just disappears with an apology?!" "Why's that surprising?" Mulder asked, getting up with a shrug. "The words 'I'm sorry' exist for a reason, Krycek. Maybe I just wanted to make sure a real human being existed under that mask of yours, since you're going to be around my baby sister." Krycek shook his head, not sure he trusted this new calm of Mulder's. Mulder smiled slightly at the bemused expression on Krycek's face, then went into the kitchen to fetch a couple of beers. He came back, handing one to Krycek, who took it warily. "So, give me the details, Alex. How do you know Andrea is in Germany?" he asked as they sat down to plan the rescue. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Alex Krycek walked up to the guard who was acting as Andrea Spender's chauffeur, as he started to open the driver's side door. Alex fired one quiet shot from a gun with a silencer, then climbed swiftly into the car. "Hi, gorgeous!" he greeted Andrea cheekily. "Ready to go on a plane ride?" Andrea was at first unable to speak. She stared silently at him, her heart beating wildly, so glad to see him after all these months. Then, she remembered... "Who the hell are you?!? What do you want?" Alex blinked in surprise, then shuddered, wondering what Cancerman had done to her. "I'm Alex, Andrea...your baby's father." Andrea wanted so desperately to acknowledge Alex and tell him what she had been through, but she knew she couldn't. She was terrified of her father would do to her lover and her brother. Andrea went pale. "You are not! The father of my baby is..." she paused, not wanting to hurt him, "he's dead." Alex cursed fluently and thoroughly in Russian, renewing earlier vows to kill Spender. "No. I know you believe that, but it's not true," Krycek asserted evenly, trying to hide his pain and anger, not wanting to frighten his confused lover. "Stop this car now and let me out of here!" Andrea demanded, reaching for the door handle. Alex pulled the car away from the curb, before she could open the door. "I'm sorry, Andrea. Don't be afraid." "Don't be afraid? What the hell are you talking about? You're kidnapping me!" she insisted, knowing that whatever was said, whenever, she couldn't tell the truth in the car for fear it might be bugged and that it was necessary that she put up a good front. Alex flinched. "I know it seems that way, but I'm not...I'm rescuing you!" "Rescuing me? I don't *need* rescuing!" she retorted, placing her hand on her stomach protectively. Alex sighed, disagreeing, "I know you don't remember...but the man who you think is your father abducted you. You can't trust him and I won't allow him near my child!" Tears came to Andrea's eyes, as her fear of what her father would do to all of them if and when he found out she was gone increased. "Please, just let me go," she pleaded. "I can't, Andrea. For all our sakes," he countered, his voice gentle and sad. "You have to...please!" Andrea urged, growing more frantic. "You don't know what you are doing!" "Calm down...I'll keep you safe," Krycek soothed. "NO! I will NOT calm down...not until you stop this car and let me out!!! You can't do this!" Alex concentrated on driving, not answering her, afraid that continuing to argue would upset her more. Terrified of what she knew was going to happen; Andrea began to cry in earnest, knowing Alex would misinterpret her tears. Andrea sat back, biding her time, figuring she could get away when Alex stopped. Alex forced himself to focus on his driving, feeling Andrea's sobs like blows, but not knowing how to comfort her. ~*~*~*~*~*~* END PART 6 FINAL TRUTHS (7/8) PART 7 For Information see Header in Part 1... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Alex pulled up at the airport and parked in a rental space. Andrea sat silently, having gotten her reactions under control, damning the wild emotions engendered by her pregnancy and wishing she had more control of her feelings at the moment. Alex got out and opened her door. "C'mon, Andrea..." She looked up at him, wanting desperately to tell him the truth, but merely stepped out and glanced quickly around, trying to look like she wasn't. Alex noticed the look and, worried she would bolt, grabbed her arm. "Don't try it...you're coming with me." Andrea winced, acting like his hold on her hurt. "Ouch, you're hurting me!" Alex relaxed his grip just a bit, but not enough for her to wrench free. "I won't hurt you. Come on," he instructed, leading her through the terminal to a private jet. As soon as they entered the small terminal, Andrea twisted her arm out of Alex's hand and took off running, cursing her large stomach, as she couldn't move as quickly as she normally could. Alex caught up easily and swung her into his arms. "You are coming with me, Andrea!" Alex strode purposefully towards the gate. Andrea fought against him, reaching up and slapping him. "You don't understand, you can't do this!" she hissed, realizing she was about to reveal too much, began struggling even more roughly against him. Alex felt a stinging in his eyes, the pain from the slap more emotional than physical. "Dammit, Andrea, stop! You'll make me drop you!" he protested, panicking. "Good, then maybe I can get away from here!" she retorted, speaking quite loudly, hoping to draw some attention in the almost deserted terminal. Alex's tone went cold, as anger finally flared in him. "You have the baby to think about. I won't hurt you, but I won't let you go either!" Andrea's voice hardened a bit, too. "Don't you think it is the baby I'm thinking of?!" she practically hissed at him. "I don't know, I don't know what you've been told," Alex answered, his voice sad, regretful. Andrea's eyes teared up as she looked up at him. "Please, just let me go," she pleaded again. "What is going on out here? Andrea are you okay?" Mulder asked, walking out of the gate into the terminal. Andrea groaned inwardly, knowing she should have realized her brother would be here too. Krycek glanced at Mulder despair in his eyes. "She's been brainwashed." "I don't know why you are doing this...please, let me go," Andrea addressed Alex. Mulder paled. Andrea closed her eyes, not wanting to see the anguish on their faces, wishing she could tell both of them the truth. "Andrea?" Mulder asked gently, drawing her attention. "Do you know me? I'm your brother." Andrea opened her eyes and looked directly at her brother, her heart breaking. "I don't know you any more than I know him!" "She doesn't know me...said the father of her baby is dead," Krycek husked, the words full of pain. Mulder winced. "Andrea, please trust us..." "I might trust you, if you weren't trying to kidnap me!" she almost screamed. Mulder and Krycek both flinched, staring at the few passengers nearby. Krycek nodded Mulder ahead to the plane and carried Andrea through the gate onto the jet. "Let me go," Andrea insisted, squirming, but she couldn't move too well, her stomach and Krycek's arms keeping her in place. Andrea felt her stomach tighten, but didn't think anything of it, considering the battle she had been putting up. Krycek carried her to the main cabin of the jet and laid her gently on the couch. Andrea looked around her, knowing she wouldn't get away now, and sighed softly. Mulder came and kneeled in front of her, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Andrea? What happened to you? Do you remember anything? Do you remember where you were seven months ago?" "Yes, I do. I was transferring divisions and moving to Germany." Krycek grimaced. "Seven months ago, you were on a mission with me to retrieve a file, when you were abducted from your hotel room." Andrea looked up at him as if he were crazy. "A mission? What sort of a mission? You mean like CIA, spy stuff mission?" Andrea wasn't sure where they were, so she wasn't sure if it was safe to talk, even if she felt she could. The Brit, finishing up talking to the pilot and giving the order to take off, came to tell his son that they were ready to leave. "Who do you work for, Andrea? Can you tell me that?" "What's wrong, Alex? Hello, Miss Spender. How are you feeling?" Andrea ignored Krycek's question and looked at the well-manicured gentleman. "Who are you?" she inquired, knowing perfectly well who he was. The Brit raised his eyebrows, not really surprised. He had met her a time or two before, but he knew what Spender was capable of. "I'm a friend." "She's been brainwashed, Father." Andrea blinked at that, unable to hide her brief surprise at Krycek calling the well-manicured man father, but tried to cover her reaction. "Look, I don't know what you all want with me, but if you'll let me go, I'll make sure you are all well compensated. The Brit sighed. "My dear young lady, I assure you we are not after monetary remuneration. Alex and Mr. Mulder have your best interests at heart." "If they did, they would let me go." "Andrea," Krycek protested, his voice conciliatory, "we just want to protect you from the man you *think* is your father, but who is just using you! Krycek hesitated, but then spoke, ignoring Mulder and his father. "I love you." "Andrea, you're my sister," Mulder added. "I would never let anyone hurt you." Mulder gently touched her shoulder, again, offering comfort. Andrea felt her heart crumbling inside, wanting so desperately to tell him that she loved him as well...so she did the only thing a self-respecting pregnant woman can do. She started to cry again. Her stomach tightened up again, this time with a little pain behind it. Unable to resist, Alex hugged her gently, being careful of her stomach, and kissed her cheek. "Don't cry," he murmured soothingly. "Please don't cry. It'll be all right." Andrea leaned into him for just a second, then realized what she was doing and pulled back. "No, it won't...you don't understand...please, just let me go." "I can't, Andrea. I can't let that monster have my child...you both mean too much to me," he whispered. "Andrea?" Mulder asked. "Why won't it be okay? What are you afraid of?" Krycek glanced at Mulder in surprise, then realized what she had been saying. "What don't we understand?" Andrea decided to take advantage of the contractions she has been having for the past half hour and suddenly doubled over with the next one, moaning. "Andrea?! What's wrong?" Krycek cried out, alarmed. Mulder gazed at Andrea in horrified amazement. "Uh, oh..." Krycek glanced at Mulder, going very still. "What do you mean, uh, oh?" Andrea looked up at them, feeling unaccountably smug, "What, haven't you ever seen a woman in labor before?" Krycek went very white and almost shrieked his response. "Labor?!! We've already taken off!! We won't land for hours!" "I knew I should have brought Scully," Mulder mumbled. Andrea looked up at Krycek, ignoring her brother. "And whose fault is that?" she couldn't help but point out. Krycek gulped, fighting panic. "How long have you been in labor?" Andrea felt her next contraction coming on, this one intensely painful and moaned for real this time. The Brit stepped in, sensing the young men weren't going to be of much use. "Alex, go get some towels from the supply cabinet." "I've been on medication to keep the labor from coming for four weeks now. I wasn't able to take this afternoons dose and have felt contractions for about thirty minutes now." Krycek stared at her in horror. The Brit sensed that his son probably hadn't even heard him, repeated firmly, "Alex!" Andrea gazed up at Alex calmly, still wishing she could tell him what had happened, but just happy he would be with her for the birth. "I tried to tell you." Krycek shook his head, bringing back focus and realizing his father had spoken twice. "Yes, sir?" "Go to the supply cabinet and get some towels. It seems we will be called on to deliver the baby ourselves." "Actually, it's babies," Andrea corrected, looking up at Krycek specifically for his reaction. Krycek's eyes widened and he once more ignored his father's instructions. "Twins," he whispered. Mulder went to get the towels, giving Krycek time to recover. Andrea smiled slightly, but hid it as she doubled over from another contraction. "I'm...already..." Andrea gasped as the pain suddenly intensified, "dilated to six as of three days ago. This could come quickly." Krycek stood frozen, torn between joy, sorrow, and terror. He smiled, then frowned. He watched his father ease Andrea into a more prone position. "Don't worry...I've witnessed births before and I'm sure between them Alex and Mr. Mulder have enough first aid experience to help." Alex swallowed and tried to smile reassuringly, reminding himself that he'd survived worse. "Somehow that doesn't reassure me," Andrea told the Brit, groaning loudly again. "It can't be that hard!" Krycek protested. "I do know first aid!" Mulder returned and handed the Brit an armful of towels. Time passed quickly as the contractions steadily increased in intensity yet quickened in frequency. Andrea had been right. Her body quickly finished what had begun a month before and soon felt herself needing to push. Alex's father took control and kept both men busy gathering towels and doing other mundane tasks to keep them busy. Alex had managed to find a First Aid kit and it seemed to have many of the items they would need. Finally, the three men settled in and waited for the babies to decide to make an appearance. By this time, Andrea was crying out in agony as her entire body was wracked with contraction after contraction. Without thought, she reached out her hand to grab Alex's in the pain of another contraction, pulling him over to her side and squeezing his hand in her own, trying to fight the pain. Alex made a slight wince at the pain he felt in his hand as his lover squeezed it in her own pain. Finally, it was time to push and the Brit got Andrea's body into position and had her push as another contraction overtook her body. After three pushes the baby was pushed out and Krycek was amazed at how tiny the little body was and wondered how any woman could manage to do that. Within minutes, the second baby was born and all three men worked quickly to get the umbilical cords cut and the babies cleaned up and warm. One perfect little boy and one perfect little girl. The two younger men were almost giddy in their happiness over the babies in their arms. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The British gentleman watched Alex and Mulder cradling the newborns. He was hesitant to interrupt the tender moment, but knew there were things the boy had to face. "We need to talk, Alex. You have some important decisions to make." "I know," Alex sighed, still in shock at the reality of the babies, looking down at the little boy in his arms. Mulder gazed, almost rapt, at his niece, but asked, "What do you mean? What kind of decisions?" "Decisions, Mr. Mulder, concerning the welfare of these little ones...on how you're going to protect them from my smoking associate." Krycek looked up, his eyes hard. "He won't find out about them!" Alex's father shook his head. "Silly boy, he already knows of their existence! You must make sure he doesn't locate them and that no one can get to them who would hand them over to him." "He'll be looking for Andrea at the very least," Mulder added, worried. Krycek gazed with concern at his sleeping lover. "And with her possibly being under Cancerman's control right now...we can't chance her taking them away either." "I think it might be best if, for now at least, if she is not left alone with the children." Krycek and Mulder both nodded in agreement, though reluctantly. "She wouldn't be the first parent he convinced to give up a child," Mulder agreed. "I think it would be best if she and the children stayed at my private estate, Alex. That way, I can help you protect them with my own resources," his father offered. "Absolutely. That would be the safest place. The only problem is if he finds out she is there. He can make things very difficult for you." "Don't worry about me, son," the Brit countered, amused. "I've been handling that old monster for quite a few years now." "We'll have to watch her like a hawk. She isn't going to take to this easily, you know." Mulder listened, saddened that his sister, niece, and nephew would be so far away. "I wish they could go back to the states," he said, quietly. "My mom's a grandmother and she doesn't even realize her daughter has been found." "With any luck, we can get this situation under control soon and then you can tell her," Krycek assured him, sympathizing. "I'll miss her," Mulder murmured, nodding reluctantly, but giving his tacit approval. "No, it won't be easy, but she'll get the best doctors. I'll get her all the help she needs," the Brit continued. Krycek lowered his voice. "I'm not convinced she has been brainwashed." Mulder raised his head from contemplating his niece. "You're not?" Krycek shook his head. "No, I'm not. I think she would like us to believe she is. But, I don't think so." "Why would she do that?" Mulder asked, confused. "Depends on what she was threatened with, wouldn't you say?" he responded, grimly, with barely held back anger. Mulder's eyes gleamed with rage. "Yeah, that black lung s.o.b. could have said he'd hurt us if she didn't play along, just in case we rescued her before he *could* brainwash her." Alex looked down at the tiny boy in his arms, a sudden chill of horror and deadly fury shaking him. "Or worse," he murmured, running a finger along the cheek of his son. Mulder shivered, understanding the implication. The well-manicured man took his granddaughter from Mulder. "Nothing is going to happen to these little ones. You are both more than capable of protecting them...and you won't be alone." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Andrea yawned as she finished tucking in the little ones, glancing up at Alex, who stood above the cribs, gazing tenderly at his children. Noticing her movement, he stared uneasily between her and the babies, dreading what he must tell her. "If you don't mind, I would like to get some rest now," Andrea dismissed him coolly. Alex took a deep breath. "You must be tired. I'll ring for a servant to show you to your rooms," Alex offered in a mild voice. Andrea looked at him with surprise, confused. "Excuse me?" Alex sighed, then took her hand and led her to a chair. "You must understand, Andrea. We can't risk you giving the babies to your...to the man you consider your father. Until the brainwashing is healed and you get your real memories back, we can't leave you alone with the children. These are my quarters." Andrea jerked her hand out of his and glared hard at him. "You can't leave me alone with my own babies? What the hell are you talking about?!? I am not leaving them!" Alex winced. "No, we can't. If the Smoker got hold of them, he'd warp their lives. I have to protect them. I won't let my children be experimented on." "We haven't even established that they *are* your children..." she snapped, coldly, angry now and not caring if she hurt him. "I would NEVER allow anything to happen to my babies." "I'm sorry, Andrea. But he has too strong a hold on your psyche. You'll be able to see the children whenever you want...we'll make sure one of us is available at all times...if you were yourself, you would know the children are mine." "I had planned on breast feeding them. That isn't exactly something *you* can accomplish, now is it? And they need to be fed every two hours or so right now..." Alex struggled to keep his voice calm, fighting his rising impatience. "That's fine. You just put them to bed. When they wake up in two hours, I'll bring them right to you." "No," she protested, stubbornly, shaking her head. "I am not leaving them. You will have to carry me kicking and screaming out that door to make me do that. And don't for one minute think that just because you kidnapped me that you have all the control here and are holding all the cards." Alex shook his head, amazed that she would try and bluff him. "I'll do exactly that if you force me to, Andrea. I can't rest myself until you go. But do you really want to do that? It wouldn't accomplish anything and it would wake up the twins. You have to put their welfare before your anger." "You don't think that is what I am doing? Hell, I don't know who you are! I don't know if you are some deranged lunatic who just wants to take my babies away from me! I don't know what you will do to them if I leave!" Alex winced and sadness made his eyes look ancient. "I am so sorry, Andrea," he whispered. "I'm sorry that bastard did this to you...but I can't help it. I can't risk our babies just because you're confused. I love them too much. I love you too much!" Andrea's heart was breaking inside; she wanted so much to tell him the truth, to reassure him that she could be trusted. She knew that the possibility of this place being bugged were slim, but Andrea also knew that her father's reach extended way beyond what anyone could imagine and she worried that someone there could be working for *him* and pass along how she reacted. Her children were her first priority and she wasn't going to risk losing them to her father. "Don't do this," she whispered, pleading. "Don't separate me from my babies, please." Alex stroked her cheek, trying to soothe her, hating having to hurt her. "I'm not, Andrea, I swear. You can see them at any time, you'll be with them...just not by yourself. Realizing he wasn't going to budge on this, Andrea merely nodded her assent, her tears flowing freely. Alex stroked her arm, wishing he could make this easier. "A doctor is coming that my father trusts. He'll be doing a PCR test to prove to you that the babies are ours." "You do whatever you feel is necessary," she stated, a defeated tone in her voice. "Andrea...please. If the tests show I'm the father...will you at least consider what we've told you?" "While I am being held captive against my will...and my babies are being kept from me, you won't get me to consider anything," she vowed. She stepped away from him and turned to the babies, tucking them in and stroking their heads. Alex moved up behind her and embraced her gently. "We rescued you, Andrea. I will find a way to convince you of that," he whispered in her ear. Andrea wanted nothing more than to melt into his arms and tell him the truth, but forced her body to not respond, just standing there, waiting for him to release her. Alex sighed, realizing it was too soon and that he shouldn't push. He pulled reluctantly away. "Do you want to see your rooms, now?" "That would be fine." Andrea closed her eyes for a second as she remembered the feel of his arms around her and then turned and waited for him to lead her out. Alex inclined his head, motioning for her to go first, not wanting to risk her shutting the door and locking herself in with the children. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Alex stalked into the kitchen, a grim look on his face as he walked over and poured himself a cup of coffee. "Hey, Krycek...what's up?" "Nothing...not a damned thing, Mulder. Everything is exactly the same as it has been all week!" he growled, slamming his cup down as he sat across from Mulder. Mulder winced, noticing the cup was fine china. "Andrea?" Krycek glared at Mulder, sullenly. "Who else?" "You two have another fight?" "No, Mulder, not another fight. I like to think of it as just one long continuation of the same fight that started when we took her from Germany." Mulder sighed, saddened by the mess the Smoker had made. "You've got to give her time, Alex...this is hard on her. Remember, in her own way, she's trying to defend the twins, too." "Time," Krycek snorted. "I've given her time. I wait...I leave it alone, but it's almost as if she searches me out just so she can scream at me again! I don't know what to do! At this rate, the twins will be teenagers and we'll still be holding her here against her will!" "It's only been a week. She's hurting, Alex, and she's angry. We're the only ones she has to express that anger to...after all, Cancerman isn't here for her to yell at." "Yeah, well, I'm beginning to believe he *did* brainwash her. Why else would she continue to be so adamant about all this?" Mulder flinched. "I hope that isn't true...but if it is, then we'll find someone who can heal her. It won't be forever, Alex, but she needs you to hold together and not lose it." "Not lose it? Come on, Mulder, when have you known me to lose it?" Krycek protested, looking at him bemused. "I plead the fifth on that one, Alex," Mulder returned, dryly. "Yeah, well, what the hell are we supposed to do in the meantime?" "Well, you could always refuse to fight with her. Agree with her when she starts yelling, refuse to yell back. That drove her nuts when we were kids!" Mulder offered, grinning wickedly. "Just take it easy on her..." "Yeah...I will." "I know it's hard...she told me off good the other day." Alex held up his glass to take a drink. "Yeah, well, you probably deserved it," Alex retorted, grinning evilly as he took a drink. Mulder raised his eyebrows in mock innocence. "Me? What'd I ever do?" he inquired. Alex shook his head, refusing to answer. ~*~*~*~*~*~* END PART 7 FINAL TRUTHS (8/8) PART 8 For Information see Header in Part 1... Author's Notes: Just a few notes and then on to finale! What do you think? Is it worth continuing to see what happened to CSM? Let us know, please!! lexytorell@qwest.net and strytlr1572@aol.com We also want to give a BIG, HUGE, TREMENDOUS!!! Thank you to Diadem for her Beta of the story. She was great at catching all the little typos and other errors we put in the original! Thanks, Di! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Andrea sat outside on a blanket with Alex and the twins. Mulder wasn't too far away, watching the four of them as he talked on the phone with Scully. He knew he needed to get back to reality soon, but he didn't want to let his sister out of his sight and as such stayed on longer than he probably should. Krycek looked down into his daughter's eyes and fell in love all over again. He smiled at her and loved it when she smiled back up at him. "So, are you going to be a Daddy's girl?" he asked her as she made baby noises back at him. It had only been a few weeks since the birth of the two babies and Alex found his life had turned upside down in the best way possible. His resolve to help save humanity had only been strengthened, but he suddenly found himself wanting to find a way to fit that in with a family and all the responsibilities that came with that. The only problem was convincing Andrea of that. The psychologist they had brought in for her, she had refused to speak to so it had left them all worried as to how they were going to help her. If she truly needed help at all...which Alex and Mulder weren't entirely convinced of. Right now, if Krycek could just convince her of the fact that they all would be safe he was certain she would finally open up and admit to all. Unfortunately, they couldn't get her to do that. At the moment, that seemed to be the only disagreements any of them had. If Alex were able to convince himself that she wouldn't try to escape, he might even relax the rules about the babies sleeping in his room. But, he couldn't be guaranteed of anything right now, so he chose to play it safe. Andrea sat and watched Alex with their daughter and smiled, drawing their son close to her, just enjoying being with the ones she loved and knew loved her. So many times in the past few weeks she had wanted to open up to both her brother and Alex and tell them why she was acting this way...but the hold her "father" had on her was almost too much to bear. The fear he had instilled in her was so fresh she could almost imagine them all being killed and her unable to save any of them. All because she refused to do as he had said. Standing, Alex walked over and placed their daughter next to their son and leaned down to kiss Andrea on the top of the head. "I'm going to go check on lunch. Maybe we can have it out here." "I'd like that," she answered, smiling up at him, battling the urge to lay her hand on his cheek and return his kiss. She watched him walk across the yard and couldn't help but admire his best asset, when all of a sudden the sound of a shot rang out into the air and Alex dropped to the ground, his hand clutching his shoulder. "ALEX!!!" Andrea yelled out in alarm, suddenly realizing her worst nightmare was coming true. Four men suddenly appeared and ran toward the yard where moments before the small family had been gathered. Andrea stood and leaned over to grab up her babies, but Mulder was at her side in a heartbeat and grabbed her son as she grabbed her daughter. "Come on," Mulder hollered, grabbing Andrea's hand and pulling her towards the house. Andrea ran with her brother, trying to look back as she did to see if Alex was all right. The men continued to advance closer, guns at the ready, but not firing at her or Mulder as they ran inside. Almost as if they were trying not to hit the babies. Mulder handed the baby over to one of the house staff and pulled his SIG Sauer 9mm and ran back outside to help Alex and the other guards. Andrea stood for a second, torn between trying to help the two men she loved and helping the two babies she would give her life for. The decision was quick and Andrea pointed up the stairs and led the way, with the woman holding her son close behind her. Once upstairs, Andrea led the way to Alex's room and shut the door behind her, locking it. She took her daughter and laid her in the crib next to the wall and began searching Alex's room, knowing he would have more weapons hidden somewhere. The maid stood just inside the door, her eyes wide with shock, not knowing what to do. Andrea glanced up at the other woman and ordered, "Put him over in the crib with his sister. We have to make sure we defend this room in case they get past everyone else." As she said her statement, the maid nodded and did as she was told and suddenly Andrea smiled in triumph as she found what she had been looking for. Very well hidden but Andrea knew Alex better than she realized she had. There was a Sig Sauer 9mm and she took it in her hand, checking the clip to make sure it was full and took up a position where she could watch the door and still keep her children in her line of sight as well. Outside the battle raged, but it was over in minutes, as Mulder, Krycek, and the guards made quick work of the intruders. Krycek stood over the last of those he had shot and shook his head. It had been too easy. Something else was up. The pain in his shoulder threatened to take control and he shook with the effort to ignore the pain and keep going. "Mulder, we gotta get inside. Something isn't right here!" he shouted over at the other man. Nodding, Mulder began running toward the house, Alex close behind. Both got to the door at the same time and they took up a stance on either side, entering quickly with Mulder crouched a bit and Alex holding out his gun above. Together they moved in synch, listening for anything unusual, and exploring the rooms for more intruders. Andrea held the gun pointed at the door and when it suddenly burst open to reveal two large men dressed in black, she fired the gun in her hand with all she had, instantly hitting first one, then the other, in the chest, causing them to fall to the ground. She didn't let her guard down, holding the gun facing the door as her children started to cry from their cribs at the loud noise. Andrea knew her only line of defense was to keep anyone from coming in through that door. The gun remained pointed at the door when two men suddenly appeared. Andrea sat there, as Mulder and Alex walked over the bodies of the two men on the floor and suddenly she started to shake, the adrenaline in her body taking over. She found she couldn't lower the gun, as much as she wanted to. Her body suddenly seemed to take over. Tears started falling down her face as she looked over at Alex, the blood streaming down from his wound. Mulder walked over and quietly laid his hand on top of hers, slowly disengaging the gun from her shaking hands. Then he laid both guns aside and pulled her into his arms as Krycek finally lost his iron grip on consciousness. "Alex..." she cried out and pushed away from her brother to go over to the side of the man she loved. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Andrea sat quietly in the garden next to a fountain, lost in her thoughts as she puzzled through the mess her life seemed to be in. Mulder walked up and quietly laid a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She jumped, surprised out of her private thoughts. "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine." Mulder sat down next to her. Andrea pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around her knees. "He'll be all right, Andrea." She nodded, the relief almost overwhelming. Alex's injuries hadn't been severe, but he hadn't regained consciousness, which was worrying. "I'm glad to hear it." "He woke up a few minutes ago...he was asking for you." Andrea had tried to hide the fact that she was crying and now found herself crying for a totally different reason. She wiped away the tears, trying to pretend she was fine. Mulder reached out and wiped away her tears with one finger. "Andrea...you can pretend all you want, but I know you love him. You're wasting time you could be together." "Wasting time? I would almost say it is too late for that..." "What do you mean. You love him, he loves you," Mulder pointed out, shrugging. "Seems pretty clear cut to me." "It doesn't matter what I do, because he is going to keep coming after us all regardless, isn't he?" she explained. She looked down at the ground; trying not to focus on her brother at the moment, afraid she would confess all. "Well, if that's true, then you might as well do what you want and follow your heart, huh? Andrea...the Cancerman can be defeated. You have me, Alex, and Alex's father to protect you...and all three of us have succeeded in defying him before. Just have some faith in us." "That's easier said than done...if you only knew..." she stopped, realizing what she wanted to tell him and stood up, walking a few steps away. "I know you love him...I know you're worried for us and your children...what else do I need to know?" "Dammit, it isn't that simple, Fox! Can't you understand that?!?" she seethed, whirling to face him, her emotions raging across her face. "Then explain it to me...let me help. You're my sister...I just want you to be happy...and safe. I've struggled for that my whole life!" Mulder beseeched, yearning to help his sister. "Don't you think I want nothing better than to run in there right now and be with him? What do you think would or could keep me away from that?" "What is keeping you away from that, Andrea? You're here, not there." "You of all people should know what he is capable of." "Yes, yes, I do. But I also know he is not infallible...he can be beaten. I've done it before and I will not let him run or destroy your life...or the lives of my niece and nephew...who need both their parents together...I know what it's like to have parents who won't speak to each other..." Andrea shook her head and turned away from him, running her fingers through her hair." "He wants the twins," she whispered. Mulder's voice was determined, final. "He can't have them...and he can't have you. Dammit, Andrea! Go in there, tell Alex you love him, and start living! Don't give any more of your life to that cancerstick than you already have." His sister turned and looked at him, tears running down her face. "You know, don't you?" Mulder raised an eyebrow, trying not to smirk. "I know lots of stuff." She snorted a laugh and sort of rolled her eyes. "Stop that...you know what I mean!" "You mean that you're not brainwashed? None of us believed it, not really. Did you think you could fool the people who truly love you?" "Then why didn't any of you call me on it?" "We had to be sure...and would it have done any good? You have to choose to trust us more than you fear him... we can't make that decision for you." She gave a thoughtful shake of her head. "I'm beginning to realize that no matter what I do, my father will betray me...so I might as well stand and fight for my family." Mulder smiled, deeply relieved at this proof of where her loyalties now were. "She sees the light!" he mocked tenderly, going and giving her a hug. "It'll be all right. You'll see...I can't wait to bring you and Mom together." Andrea got pulled into her brother's hug and laid her head on his shoulder, then her looked turned to one of panic at his last words. "Can't we just get through this first?" Mulder looked deeply sad, ancient shadows from the past darkening his eyes. "Sure, for awhile, but...she loves you, Andrea. She's spent twenty years mourning you. She hated Dad, because he let you be taken...please, let's tell her soon, okay?" Andrea nodded into his shoulder and then pulled back, looking up at him with a slight smile. "We'll tell her soon," she promised. Mulder looked relieved and much happier. "I'm glad...now, why don't you go see that ratty boyfriend of yours, huh? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Andrea stepped quietly into Alex's bedroom and nodded at John as the British gentleman had instructed her and Mulder to call him. John was sitting next to his son's bed, but stood, smiling, when she entered. "Well. I'll see you later, Alex. I think you two need to chat," he observed, patting Alex's hand. "See you later, Father. Hi, Andrea," he greeted, softly. "Fox told me you were awake...I just wanted to check to make sure you were okay," she offered, looking at him, not sure what to say or do. "I'm all right. Are you okay." She nodded. "I'm fine. I wasn't injured," she assured him, still standing by the door. Alex gazed at her sadly, the shadows making his eyes seem like the dark green of the forest. "Andrea? Will you come in and sit down?" She walked hesitantly over to the chair that John had just vacated and sat down. "I'm just glad you're all right," she soothed, then paused. "I was worried." Alex looked touched, his eyes widening a little. "I'm okay...I'm just glad you're all right. You know...you were the true target of the attack," he explained, keeping his voice soft and even, trying to break it to her gently. Andrea nodded, her eyes filling with tears again. "I know...they wanted me dead and the twins kidnapped. I've known that all along." Alex sighed, knowing it wouldn't help Andrea for him to curse the Smoker. "I'm sorry, Andrea." "Why should you be sorry? You didn't do this to me...I did," she sighed, sitting back in the chair, then whispered, "I made a deal with the devil and lost." Alex smiled, the expression almost sardonic, but still gentle. "You mean the brainwashing act?" "You knew, too," she voiced, the remark more statement than question. Alex nodded. "We were pretty sure, yeah..." Tears fell once again down Andrea's pale cheek. "I'm sorry," she whispered, ashamed. Alex reached forward and gently took her hand. "Don't be...it's okay. I know you were just trying to protect the kids and stuff. He's a difficult man to stand up to." "He told me he would kill you all...and that I would never see the twins again. I...I thought I had no choice." "Andrea," Alex whispered softly, hurting for her. "I know. We suspected as much. I won't let him hurt you or our children...please. Trust me." Andrea grabbed his hand and held on like it was her only lifeline. "I do...but, I'm still so scared of what he will do." Alex gingerly sat up in bed and pulled her into an embrace. "I know, love," he murmured, kissing her hair. "Andrea," he started, and then paused, knowing she had been through an emotional wringer. "You know that in order to be free, we're probably going to have to kill him, don't you?" Andrea closed her eyes and nodded. "Yeah, I was expecting as much." "I'm sorry...I'd spare him for your sake. I *will* spare him, if I can, but it might not be possible." Andrea's eyes hardened, thinking of Alex lying injured and unwaking in this bed. "And if I had a chance, I would probably kill him myself." Alex shook his head, firmly. "No. I don't want you to have to make a decision like that. You've been through more than enough." Andrea looked up at her love and then slowly lifted her hand and softly caressed his cheek. "Thank you." Alex smiled, leaning into the caress. "You're welcome," he husked in an intimate tone. "I've missed you," she whispered, smiling softly. Alex eyes shined with emotion, his eyes now resembling the clearest of emeralds. "I missed you, too. Andrea...will you marry me?" She gave a soft laugh of relief, burying her face in his neck. "Yes, Alex," she agreed. "But you get to tell my brother!" Alex swore, colorfully and imaginatively, laughing with his love in his arms. ~*~*~*~*~*~* THE END