TITLE: Entertaining Angels I : Introducing Angels Author: JadedX Email: lilembyr@aol.com Distribution: Anywhere you please just be sure to keep my name and email on it. Spoilers: None as far as I know Rating: PG Classification: MSR Keywords: Mulder/Scully married Summary: Pure fluff. A fair warning the fate of the X-Files is only mentioned in one tiny segment, so this story is just an Introduction to the Mulder family, they have wed and bred. This is not an alternate universe. It will be explained in the stories to come how the have bred. (Archivist's note: there doesn't seem to be a sequel, but if you find one, send me a link) Authors Notes: Feedback please! Even though it seems like in every new story I am reading the author claims that it is their first, I am going to have to join in on the bandwagon. This is my very first story written or posted. If you please I would enjoy any constructive criticism you can offer. Thanks. And now : on with the fluff. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Highland Elementary Georgetown, Washington D.C. 1:06pm 6/9/08 "Where is he?" asked Willow growing more impatient with every step she took. "Jeesh, Will stop pacing your making me motion sick." responded her older sister, "he'll be here any minute just hold your horses." "Huh? She doesn't have any horses Legacy. What are you talking about?" inquired the confused young mind of five-year-old Dream. Willow interrupted her younger sisters question "But Legacy our bus is gonna be leaving any minute and Levin still isn't here." Just then, the seven-year-old ball of energy bounded out the school doors and toward his siblings "Hey there you guys are!" yelled Levin. "I thought we were supposed to meet at 12:45 when school got out." "We were here. Where were you?" asked Legacy. "I was waiting out front with Dad. Where we were supposed to meet. Remember? He said he would pick us up today, since it was our last day of school." He responded with a slight edge. "He finally sent me out after you guys." "He never said he would pick us up?" Willow asked. "Yeah he did. Yesterday at dinner when you were too busy drawing to listen." "I was so listening." "Yeah, I only had to ask you to pass the salad 5 times before you heard me" interjected her older sister, "you were too engrossed in your little drawings to pay attention." "Sure, fine, whatever" responded Willow. "Can we go now?" asked Dream, who had been patiently waiting for the bickering to end. "I wanna see Daddy." "Sure, come on," said Levin as he grasped her hand and led her around to the front of the school to where their father was waiting. "Hey sweetie! So tell me, how was your last day of kindergarten?" Asked Fox Mulder as he greeted his youngest daughter. He picked her up and swung her in the air as she squealed with delight. "It was good Daddy! I made a picture for you and Mommy!" "Well you'll have to show me when we get home." He said as he smiled and buckled her in her seat. "Hey Lego how you doing kid?" He asked his eldest child as she hopped into the front seat. "I'm fine" She responded. Mulder laughed, "You sound so much like your mother its beginning to scare me." This finally brought a smile to the face of the normally joyful girl. **I wonder what has her down** thought Mulder. "All aboard the Mulder Express!" He yelled, looking back to make sure Willow and Levin had gotten in and buckled up. "Hey Dad?" called Levin from the back seat. "Yeah?" "Is Mom coming home tonight?" "Yeah, I'm dropping you guys off at Gama's for lunch and going to the airport to pick her up" he responded. "When will you come and get us?" asked Legacy. "Well, I imagine Mom will be pretty tired from the convention and will just want to go home and rest for a while, so I don't know when" he replied. "But we will be in time to take Gama out to dinner for her birthday tonight, so not too late. Why?" "Just wondering I'm kinda tired is all." "You feeling all right Lego?" "I'm fine," she replied quickly. "No, your not. That's the same thing your mother used to always say, when she was either sick or mad," he stated looking over at his daughter concerned. "I'm fine Dad really. I just stayed up late last night that's all," she said while staring out the window away from his gaze. "Hey Daddy?" asked Dream for the back seat her quiet voice barely heard over the constant babbling of her siblings in the seat behind her. "Yeah Dream what is it?" "I thought we had to turn back there to get to Gama's house." "Oops! You're right. I don't know where my mind was. We'll just have to turn around at the gas station up there." "Dad your hopeless without Mom around to keep your head on strait," giggled Willow from the backseat. "Hey, Will at least I don't forget to eat because I'm to busy painting," he joked with the young girl, grinning when he heard her let out a big 'Hurumph'. "Hey, Levin did your teacher ever give you the info on that computer camp you wanted to go to this summer?" "Yeah Dad I got it in my backpack. I'll give it to Mom later, you'll just lose it," he responded grinning from ear to ear. "You better watch it kid, I know where you live." The banter continued as they drove on. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The home of Margaret Scully Arlington, Virginia 1:32pm "Thanks again Maggie for taking the kids today, I just wouldn't have been able to handle them all at the airport." "Anytime Fox. I love having the chance to spend time with my grandchildren. This is why I moved closer to you guys so that I could see them more often," responded a very delighted Maggie Scully. "If you don't mind I think I'll take Xavier with me though. The poor little guy misses his mom pretty bad. And he'll love the ride." "Sure, that's fine, he's upstairs taking his nap now, he just went down about a half hour ago." "Oh, that's perfect. If I put him in the car now he'll stay asleep the whole way there." He bounded up the stairs to the nursery, where the kids stayed when they came over. "Hey there little guy," he whispered his one-year-old sleeping son. He marveled at how peaceful he looked. He was their little miracle. Mulder gently picked him up out of the crib and carried him downstairs, where the rest of the kids could be heard playing outside. They were arguing over who got to throw the Frisbee for Rascal, Maggie's 6-month-old German shepherd puppy. "Hey! Give that back you buttmunch!" yelled Levin. "No way! I had it first!" Willow yelled back. Dream joined in on the bickering. "Hey when can I throw it?" Legacy's voice was quieter, but firm, and demanded respect, but it silenced the other two. "Hey guys cool your jets! There is no reason to argue we're gonna be here all day you'll both get plenty of turns." Mulder smiled. At the simple age of twelve, Legacy's clearheaded reasoning and responsibility flabbergasted him. Maggie came out from the kitchen with a mug of tea for herself. "Oh there you are Maggie. Hey listen I think Legacy might be coming down with something she's been kinda quiet today so if you could just make sure that she goes to bed and rests if she looks like she needs it." "Okay Fox. I'll keep an eye on her." "I don't know how to thank you enough, you've been so great this past year taking care of Xavier during the days for us. I just can't tell you how much of a life saver you have been. I don't know what we would have done without you." "Hey, I love having the little tyke. He keeps this old woman company, he makes me young again. So we're even. But there is one thing you can do for me." "Anything." "Go pick up my daughter, I miss her." "Will do, I've missed her like crazy myself. I'll see you later tonight." He replied bending down to kiss her on the cheek. "Okay drive safely." "Will do. Bye Margaret." "See ya tonight." He carried his sleeping son out to the van and set him in the car seat, after Xavier was safely secured Mulder made his way into the front yard. Levin was throwing the Frisbee to Rascal, but Mulder reached out and snatched it grabbing everyone's immediate attention. "Okay guys come here," he gently commanded. They all rushed up to his side. He squatted down in the grass so that he could be eye to eye with them. "Now listen to me: I'm going to the airport now to pick up Mom. I'm taking your baby brother with me. I don't know when we'll be back, sometime tonight probably around 6:30 or so. I want you to be good for Gama today and remember it's her birthday so be extra nice to her, okay?" "Okay Dad," replied Legacy. "Yeah alright." Willow responded. "What'll ya give me if I'm good?" This came from Levin who had a large grin on his face and a hopeful look in his eyes. Mulder had to smile at this. "The satisfaction of knowing you made your grandmother happy." "Oh," was Levin's only response as his face fell. "Okay, well I got to go or your mom will be stuck at the airport and mad at me. Give me hugs and then I'm out of here." They all piled on him in one enormous heap knocking him onto the grass. **This is where I belong. What would I do without my children? I love them so much.** He groaned with the weight of four children squishing him. "Okay, okay, now let me up." Giggles erupted as he tickled his way out of the dog pile, lifting off one child after another. After he had untangled himself from them he bent back down and placed a kiss on his youngest daughter's cheek. He then whispered to her "I see you later Dream." "Bye Daddy! I love you." "I love you too little girl." He then got in the car and waved to his children "I'll see you guys tonight, I love you." They all waved back, as he pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Continued in part 2/4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dulles International Airport Gate D6 1:37pm "Well buddy we're an hour early what do you say we go get something to eat real quick?" Mulder asked his son. "Dawg," the happy boy gurgled in what sounded like a southern drawl. Mulder laughed, "Someday your gonna have to learn how to say another word. Calling everyone and everything a dog won't get you very far in the world." The little boy's eyes glimmered back up at him, as he reached into his diaper bag and pulled out a book. He handed it to his father as a request, climbed up onto his lap, and snuggled in. "I guess this means you're not hungry, huh?" "Dawg." "Alright already I'll read to you. Let's see now where are we? Ah, here we are page 276, Chapter 41 'Moby Dick'. "I, Ishmael, was one of that crew; my shouts had gone up with the rest; my oath had been welded with theirs; and stronger I shouted, and more did I hammer and clinch---" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Flight 267 From Portland, OR to Washington D.C. 2:13pm **God I miss Mulder, and the kids. This is the last time I go to any kind of a convention without them.** Thought an exhausted Dana Scully while she looked out of the tiny airplane window. **I can't wait to get home.** "Hey Dana?" came a voice from her side, stirring her out of her thoughts. It came from Julie Copular one of the doctors from that had attended the conference in Portland with her. She was a doctor at Fairfax Mercy Hospital a specialist in Pediatric Oncology. "Yeah?" Dana replied looking over at Julie. She was a very bright intelligent woman. She had a strong air about her, but very gentle features. The 5'7" woman had light brown hair and soft green eyes. "I just realized I told you all about my son, but I never asked you if you had a kid." "A kid, now that would be the understatement of the year." "Just how many kids do you have?" Julie asked with curiosity peaking her eyebrows creasing. Dana giggled. "Five." Julie choked on the drink she was sipping, as her eyes went wide with shock. "You! Five kids! But your so together so composed and calm. You are a doctor and you raise five kids. You probably save the world on a daily basis too. How do you handle that?" By now, Dana could hardly control her laughter. "First of all I have an amazing husband who has to be the best father in the world so it's not like I do this alone. Second, I don't practice medicine except for when it pertains to a case. I work for the FBI with my husband." "Wait a minute I thought the FBI doesn't allow married partners." "They don't but we have a really great boss who pulled a lot of strings for us and went through a lot of loopholes to get it so we could remain together although technically we're not partners. We are both the heads of our own sections, but underneath all the red tape and everything our divisions are so small and interrelated that we work almost every case together. It's kind of complicated, but it works." "Jeesh, who would thunk it." replied a bewildered Julie. "So tell me about your kids." "I have pictures if you want to see them." "Of course, get them out!" Dana reached into her purse and pulled out her wallet. She then removed the pullout picture attachment and handed it to Julie, who immediately flipped to the first picture and saw a beautiful young girl with hazel eyes and auburn hair. "That's our oldest: Legacy Quest, we call her 'Lego' for short. She's twelve right now and is gonna be in 7th grade next year. The unlucky one of the brood she got my height deficiency, but she's got her Dad's intense eyes. A great kid got a real happy go lucky attitude, a real joyful soul. Always got her nose stuck in a book of some kind. She is so responsible for her little brothers and sisters. There are times when it amazes me, how she can handle them better than I can." "Wow, you're lucky to have her to help you out. Especially with five kids, its good to have a responsible one," said Julie as she flipped over to the next picture. This one contained a younger girl who looked nothing like the previous. She had real curly jet-black hair and dark blue eyes, almost black violet. "There's our second oldest: Willow Faith, she's ten and going into the 5th grade next year. She is our artistic one, always drawing, or painting, my husband and me have no idea where she got her talent. It's neither of us. She doesn't look anything like us either. She's tall, already passed me and Legacy up. She has her dad to thank for that. She always has her head in the clouds, staring off into space, or totally engrossed in her art work, we can't ever get her attention." "A dreamer eh?" replied Julie. Dana chuckled "More than you. At least she's got dedication, that's more than you can say for most kids her age." Julie laughed and turned to the next picture. This one had a young boy about five or so. He had blonde hair and green eyes. "And who is this little one?" "Oh my that's a really old picture of Levin. That's Levin Trust he's our middle child. Doesn't look anything like that now, that picture must be two or three years old now. He is becoming the spitting image of his father, real tall already, he's got those same hazel eyes, and his dad's dark brown hair with the one stubborn lock that always falls across his eyes." "Yeah, that would probably be a lot different from this little blonde haired angel," agreed Julie. "He may look like an angel, but don't let that face fool you he was a little demon at that age, too smart for his own good. He and his younger sister both got their dad's brilliance for academics. He is only seven years old and skipping into the 3rd grade. A computer genius, this kid knows how to do programming and everything. He loves swimming can't get enough of it. Gave us quite a scare when he was young though got such a bad case of swimmer's ear infection the doctors thought he was gonna go deaf." "Whoa, that would scare me to death if my son was deaf," said Julie shaking her head. She turned to the next picture, now totally intrigued by her newfound friend's amazing life and family. She was encountered by what was perhaps one of the most beautiful angelic child she had ever seen. The little girl had long, wavy, strawberry blonde hair, and blue-green eyes. The face of an angel even more so than her older brother's previous picture she had a certain glow around her that illuminated her eyes. "She's beautiful Dana," gasped Julie. She was interrupted when the flight attendant came onto the soundboard announcing that they would be landing in a few minutes and for all of the passengers to please buckle their safety belts. Both Julie and Dana did as instructed and then Dana went on to describe her daughter. "That's Dream Hope, our fourth child. She'll be six in two weeks, just finished kindergarten today. She skipped a year also. She's growing up so fast, and talk about musical, she loves her piano, and ballet. She is very talented, been playing piano since she was three and a half; just started ballet last year. With her looks and talent, we are dreading her adolescence; she'll have boys tripping over her feet in only a matter of years. Her father has already said that he will shoot any boy who even thinks about looking at her the wrong way. He's very protective of all our kids, but especially Dream. She's her father's daughter, his baby girl." Again, the flight attendant made an announcement. "We are approaching the runway. If you would please start to gather your belongings around your seat it would be much appreciated to make your departure faster and more convenient. I must ask however that you remain in your seatbelts, until the plane stops and the warning light goes off. Thank you for riding ProJet Airlines and we hope you will use us on your next trip." Dana and Julie started gathering up their stuff and packing it away into their carry-ons. Julie handed Dana back her picture book. "It has been a pleasure getting to know you Dana, and I loved hearing about your family." "Likewise, Julie, thank you for keeping me company this week. I have enjoyed talking to you immensely. It is not often that I get to act like a normal human being when I am at home." She responded smiling. The airplane landed and steered its way toward the airport. A few minutes later they were making their way out of the plane. "Wait," Julie turned around stopping Dana. "Don't you have another kid? I thought you said you had five." "I do my youngest is Xavier Truth, he just turned a year- old. He's our little rascal, the happiest kid you can imagine. I tell you if he's not sleeping he's giggling or laughing. He has been the easiest baby out of all of our kids. He hardly ever cries and he has slept through the night from the first night we brought him home. The only time he'll wake up during the night is if he throws his stuffed alien isn't in his arms. He's the funniest kid, his first and only word so far is 'dog', but he says it in such a way that you would think he had a southern drawl; it's more like 'dawg'." Julie giggled at this. "I can't get to his picture right now, but I'll show it to you when we get into the terminal. He is a cute little chubby bunny." "I bet you can't wait to get home and see all your kids huh?" asked Julie. "Yeah, you got that right. These past two weeks have been the worst. I miss them like crazy. I've been away from them for longer actually, but I've always had my husband with me, so it's different this time I miss him too. We have never been apart for longer than a day and a half in almost ten years." "Wow and you guys don't get on each others nerves working together all day and then when you go home too?" "No, Mulder is great. We thrive on our disagreements, it makes us stronger, pulls us together. Plus I don't like to let him out of my sight, he usually ends up in the hospital." "The hospital?" Julie asked curiously. "In the time we were partners before we were married, I believe the number of hospitals he had been admitted to was somewhere around twenty-three. That is not counting the number of times he had been to the same hospital or how many days he had stayed. Of course being with me does not always guarantee his safely after all I have shot him, but that was for his own good" Dana said as she stood laughing. Julie stopped walking and turned to Dana, her jaw hitting the floor. **I can tell her and I are gonna be great friends** she thought to herself as she started laughing along with Dana. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Gate D6 2:21pm "Hey Dana, over here!" yelled Fox Mulder as he waved to his wife from his seat. He stood cradling their sleeping child in his arms and made his way to her. He embraced her in a half hug and kissed her hello. "Welcome back, Day. I missed you," he whispered to her. "I missed you too. And how is my little guy?" she asked lifting him from his father's arms into her own. "He's feeling a little neglected if you really want to know, but I really don't think it's appropriate to be discussing this in front of our son, even if he is asleep." Mulder said with a wry grin and a playful gleam in his eyes. Dana swatted him on the arm playfully, "You think you're so clever. How are the rest of the kids doing?" "About the same as they were when you called last night and this morning, and when you called today at noon. Oh and lets not forget the twenty other times you have called in the past two weeks." Dana tried not to laugh, but was failing miserably. "No, really how are they? You know how much I worry about them," she said more seriously. "Day, seriously they are fine. Lego is just a little tired, and Levi has swimmer's ear again, but Doc. Peterson said it was just a mild case this time and gave us some antibiotics that he needs to take for a week." "Thank you. Now see that wasn't so hard was it?" She stood on her tiptoes and kissed her husband again. "On second thought don't answer that question," she said smiling. "Ouch, Day! You wound me." He was grinning ear to ear and feeling very playful. He then noticed a woman standing behind his wife smiling at their interaction. Dana suddenly remembered her friend was standing behind her and flushed. **What a scene we're probably making. She's gonna think we're horny beasts.** Dana thought embarrassed, she quickly recovered and turned around to meet the eyes of her friend. "Oh, um Julie this is my husband Mulder, Mulder this is Julie." Mulder outstretched his hand shaking it with Julie's. "It's very nice to meet you Julie." "Nice to meet you too," replied Julie. "And this is little Xavier I was just telling you about him," Dana said lowering her arms so Julie could see. The boy looked just like his mother with the same color red hair with the slightest curl to it, and a light complexion dusted with freckles. Julie was sure that if he opened his eyes she would be greeted with brilliant blue orbs. As if he had read her thoughts the little boy was roused from his sleep, he opened his bright blue eyes to Julie, then looked at his mother, and gleefully cooed. "Ma," he said as he gripped her neck hugging her fiercely. Both Mulder and Dana looked at each other expectantly. "When did he learn to say 'Ma'?" asked Dana looking at her husband. "Got me," Mulder shrugged. The last and only thing I've heard him say is 'dawg'. Looks like he learned a new one." "Well it's about time one of our kids said my name first." The three laughed while Xavier looked on confused, but joined in the laughter anyway. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Later at the Baggage Claim "Julie was one of the doctors at the conference. We didn't realize until we got on the same plane that we both lived in Washington." "I would have realized it if I had been at Dana's lecture, but it was the only one that I missed in the whole two weeks. It was also the only one that I really wanted to hear, so I was beating myself over the head until fate had it in mind to sit me next to her on the trip home." "Well, Dana, we had better get going if you wanna clean up and rest before we take Mom out for dinner tonight." "Oh yes. It's her birthday," she said explaining to Julie, as she shifted Xavier onto her other shoulder. "It has been great getting to know you Dana. I hope we can talk again soon." "Me too Julie, I've got your number so I'll call you when I can find the time and maybe we can get together and do something." "Sounds like fun just let me know," Julie yelled as she hailed a cab, she waved goodbye and got in. "Julie seemed very nice," commented Mulder, as they were walking to their car. "Yeah, she's great, she's a Pediatrician at Fairfax Mercy. She also has a son that's Levin's age. Her husband is a cop for the Washington D.C. Police Department. We're gonna get the kids together for a picnic or maybe a barbecue sometime this month or next." "Mmmm sounds good am I invited? "If you're nice to me," Dana replied with a gleam in her eyes. "Oh we haven't even begun," whispered Mulder as he lifted Xavier out of his mother's arms and into his car seat. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Continued in part 3/4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Meanwhile back at Gama's house 3:58pm "Gama, I'm not feeling so good," said Legacy as she walked in the back door into Margaret's kitchen, where she stood watching the children play in the backyard. "What's wrong honey?" Her grandmother inquired. "My head hurts and I'm real tired." "Why don't you go upstairs and hop into one of the beds. I'll bring you up some Tylenol and a glass of water in a minute. Okay?" "Okay," the girl replied meekly. As she headed up the back staircase to the nursery. A few minutes later Margaret was smoothing back Legacy's short auburn locks from her forehead as the child attempted to swallow the medicine. "Mom always gives me juice to swallow pills with she says the sugar helps coat them and make them go down better." "Well, you kids all drank the last of the juice at lunch so it's either water or milk," said Margaret coaxing the child to swallow the bitter pills. "I'll just try the water," she said swallowing hard so as not to get the pills stuck in her throat. "Good, now you get some sleep." Margaret said bending down and kissing her granddaughter on the forehead before retreating out of the room. "Gama?" Legacy asked as Margaret was closing the door. "Yeah sweetheart?" "Thanks," she said quietly as she rolled over to go to sleep. "Anytime Legacy, anytime." Maggie retreated back into the kitchen to find three eager faces turned toward her from the kitchen table. "What are you three up to?" "Nothing," they all replied together. Mischievous grins on their faces. **This is the look Dana has so often said they get from their father. And to think I always thought she was making it up.** "Okay well you go on doing your nothing while I make and eat some chocolate chip cookies all by my lonesome." She replied with a mock disparaging look on her face. This got their attention as the three children whipped around once more to meet her eyes their own glowing with glee. "But you'd let us help right Gama?" asked Dream. "Yeah Gama you always let us help," Levin interjected. "You are talking about your world famous chocochip cookies right?" Willow asked. "The very ones." Maggie replied. "And we can help right?" Willow continued. "Of course, it's tradition and we can't break tradition can we?" Maggie smiled. "Yay!" Margaret was met with the joyful cries of the three children. "Shhhh!" Margaret hushed them, "your sister is trying to sleep." There were those sheepish grins again. Maggie had to admit Levin definitely had his fathers trademark look down pat. So they carried on making the cookie dough and dropping it on to the pans to be put into the oven. They each had a special part in the process and the task was soon paid off fully with the warm moist cookies. The smiling faces of the children told Maggie that she had done a wonderful job once again and that she had received the cheapest labor around these parts. They had soon settled into the family room listening to Maggie read from C.S. Lewis' 'The Chronicles of Narnia' they were currently in the middle of the second book "Prince Caspian". Reading was one of the things the Mulder's used to replace the television set in the lives of their children. 'The Chronicles of Narnia' was the set of books that they kept at Margaret's house for the kids. As tradition they started the series over again each time a child was born. They thought they were finally gonna make it all the way through about a year and a half ago when they found out Xavier was on his way. So in the name of tradition they had started over again and were now almost through with the second book in the seven part series. Willow, Dream and Levin all sat around Margaret as she read now. "'I say, Peter,' whispered Edmund. 'Look at those carvings on the walls. Don't they look old? And yet we're older than that. When we were last here, they hadn't been made.' 'Yes,' Said Peter. 'That makes one think.' The dwarf went on ahead and then turned to the right, and then to the left, and then---" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Mulder Household Georgetown, Washington D.C. 5:49pm "Mulder, what are you doing? Where's Xavier?" Dana Scully asked as her husband climbed into the steaming shower with her. "He is sound asleep in his crib," he replied while taking the washcloth from her hands and rubbing the soapy material over her back. He then leaned in and quietly whispered into her ear, "as for me I'm simply fulfilling your earlier requirement of 'being nice to you', consider it a welcome home gift." Dana turned around looking into his eyes, "for who, you or me?" Mulder's devilish grin answered the question as the shower doors got even more steamed up. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Back at Margaret's house 7:02pm "Gama, I thought my parents were gonna be here by now," Legacy stated standing in the door frame of the living room. "They'll be here soon. I'm sure your mom just wanted to get some rest before we go out t-" "Hello?" Dana yelled from the front entrance. "Mom!!!" yelled all the children as they raced to the front door and tackled their mother. Dream was hanging around Dana's neck, Levin was attached to one of her legs as Willow and Legacy stood around embracing Dana around their siblings. "What took you so long?" Legacy asked. "We were getting worried," exclaimed Willow. "You should call next time so we don't get worried like that," Levin instructed. "Well it feels good to know I was missed," Dana smiled. "We just ran into some detours on the way," she said winking at Mulder, who had just walked in the door carrying Xavier. The little boy was wiggling and trying to get out of his arms. He let him down and watched him run over to his grandmother. She picked him up and gave him a gentle hug. He then pointed to his mother and proudly exclaimed "Ma!" "Whoa hey buddy when did you learn that?" stood Margaret shocked. While the rest of his siblings laughed. "We've been teaching him it for the last two weeks but he wouldn't ever say it for us," Legacy said. Levin came over to him and tousled his hair. "Way to go squirt." "I have a feeling you drilled it into his head a little too much, he has been saying it every two seconds for the past hour," Mulder said. "Oh you're just jealous 'cause we didn't teach him to say 'Pa' this time," Levin laughed. To this Mulder stuck his tongue out at his seven-year-old son, whom had once again outwitted him. Dana and Margaret burst into laughter at his playfulness and watched as he took off after his son in what was to be a full blown tickle war. The rest of the family found them on the couch Levin sprawled out on his back while his father kneeled beside him tickling the boys sides until he looked like he was gonna burst. "You know the rules, seven Greek gods one for each year. Name them and I'll let you up. Come on Levi you got four already you have three left to name." The hyperventilating voice came in spasms as he was laughing hard enough to bust a gut, "Um.. uh.. *pant* *pant* Ares, uh.. uh.. um Hestia, *pant* oh um um.. Hades! Hades, Hades, now let me up please!!!" With this Mulder got up from his knees and pulled his panting son into an embrace, as he laughed and swung him around to the ground. "We had better get going if we want to be on time for the reservations at 7:30," he yelled to the rest of the crew who had migrated to the kitchen. He peeked his head through the door to find Maggie and Dana sitting down to a cup of tea. "Come on guys we're gonna be late." "Fox why are you in such a hurry, we are all here no need to rush," Maggie asked. What she didn't know was that the people standing in her kitchen only made up half of what was to be the dinner party tonight. "Well Mom, Mulder's right we should be going I want to get Legacy to bed as early as possible tonight," Dana replied. "Ah, Mom I'm fine you don't need to worry about me." "It's my job sweetie it's in my contract." "Okay, well no use sitting around here then, lets head out," Maggie interrupted. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Antonio's Pasta House 7:34pm They pulled up to the restaurant and everyone filed out. As they got out of the van they saw Charles standing at the front door of the restaurant with his 3 kids and his wife Lucy who was seven and a half months pregnant. "Oh my word! Charlie I had no idea you were coming, I didn't even know you were in town." Maggie exclaimed. "That was the idea. You can thank Mulder, it was his planning and help that got us out here. Happy Birthday Mom!" Charlie said as he hugged his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Meanwhile the children who hadn't seen each other in two years were chasing each other around the parking lot. William, a.k.a. Billy, Charlie's oldest at eight-years-old; Megan, Meg the middle child was seven; and Melanie the youngest for about two more months was almost five. They all got along great with their cousins and were instantly into mischief. Once the gang was seated they were ready to start ordering when Mulder started to stall. "Oh common you can't know that fast what you want to eat yet. Look at the menu a little longer before you decide for sure," he was getting a little nervous that his plan wasn't going to work out like he had wanted. Dana leaned closer to Mulder and whispered in a tight voice "You want to tell me what's going on? You're stalling, miserably I might add, you know it and I know it. What do you have up your sleeve, Mulder?" "Just work with me here it will be worth it." "Why are their seats for at least four more people?" "Uh oh, cause they forgot two chairs. I'll be right back I need to find a waiter." "Not so fast," Dana grabbed her husband by his shirt sleeve and pulled him back down. "I'm not letting you go anywhere until you tell me what's go.." Shock registered in her eyes as Mulder turned to see what she was looking at. **Its about time he showed up** thought Mulder. "Bill!" exclaimed both Margaret and Dana at once. "Hey Mom! Sorry we're late. Happy Birthday!" Maggie got up at once and embraced her eldest son, his wife Tara, and then each of their children. She sat down again with Mark, their youngest in her arms. Bill had four kids now Matthew who was now ten-years-old, Rachel was eight, Luke seven, and Mark who was two. Just as everyone was getting settled again Walter Skinner walked in the doors and made his way over to the table. Margaret hadn't been facing the door so she was startled when a large bouquet of flower's appeared in front of her. She turned around and was met with the warm eyes of Walt. "I thought you were out of town for three weeks" she whispered in his ear as she embraced him tightly. "I was but I decided there was someplace more important that I needed to be, so I flew back till tomorrow," he said smiling at her. "Uncle Walt!" yelled Dream as she ran to him, he picked her up and held her to his side as he draped his arm around Maggie pulling her close. Walter cleared his throat loudly gaining everyone's attention. "I figure now is as good a time as any to make an announcement, seeing as you are all here tonight. As you all know me and Maggie have been engaged for almost five months now, we just wanted to tell you that we have finally set the date." Cheers went up around the table and various comments abound such as "It's about time!" and "We'd almost given up!" "So-" Dana asked, "when's the big day?" "The fifteenth of August," Maggie replied. "Congratulations," said Mulder. "Yes, congratulations Mom, Walter," Charlie and Lucy both joined in. "I think this calls for a drink," announced Bill. "Hey, Bill don't you think we should eat first," reasoned Tara. "It's getting late and the kids are getting hungry." Just then the waiter came by ready to take their orders. Mulder started the out "We'll take five child sized Spaghetti and Meatball dinners with five Sprites to go with that. And I'll-" "Wait that sounds like a good idea why don't we order that for all the kids." Interrupted Charlie, "we'll take eleven children's Spaghetti and Meatball dinners, Mark and Xavier can split one, and ten Sprites. There that saved us some time," Charlie exclaimed relieved that he wouldn't have to wait for the twelve kids different orders to be taken. The table laughed at the proud look he had on his face. Mulder continued on with his order "I'll have the Alfredo Linguini and bring a bottle of your finest white wine for our celebration." Dana was next and so it went around the table. The conversation had continued the table was in fact quite loud with the ten older children at one end of the table and the adults with Xavier and Mark at the other end. Margaret was opening her gifts and thanking everyone for them. She discovered what the Mulder children had been hiding from her earlier that day at the kitchen table. It was her Birthday present that they had made a coupon book for a "Grandmother's favorite things". The children had each made a coupon for something special like a long walk in the park with her, or a free hug, or a day of working in the garden with her. All in all it was adorable and Maggie enjoyed it immensely. The dinner was great and so was the wine. Mulder was going around pouring everyone a glass, but when he got to Dana's glass she put her hand over it. "What? You don't want any wine?" Mulder asked confused, "You always have wine when we come here." "I don't want any, thank you," she replied. "Are you sure Day the only time I've ever seen you refuse wine is when you're preg-" he stopped mid sentence when her head lowered at his gaze. He swallowed "You're pregnant!" he stated. "Again," he said laughing now he sat down carefully in his chair as if he was going to fall over. By now the eyes of the whole table were fixed on Dana and her flushed cheeks. She looked up and met the questioning eyes of her mother and her children. "Well," they all exclaimed, "is it true?" "Yes. I am pregnant." "Mom! Again!" yelled Legacy from the other end of the table. "How far along are you?" Maggie asked for Mulder, who was still sitting in the same position his jaw nearly touching the floor. "Sixteen weeks." "Four months! And you just forgot to let me know before now?" exclaimed Mulder. "We will talk about this tonight Mulder after we get home." Scully said her voice dangerously cold. After knowing Dana Scully for sixteen years and being married for ten Mulder knew what that tone of voice meant shut-up or prepare to have a certain part of your anatomy dissected, so he decided to shut-up. "Well it's getting late, it's 9:30 already we had better get going. We need to get the kids into bed anyway," Dana explained. "Where is everyone staying tonight?" "Mulder arranged all of that for us when he planned this he said that Bill and Tara would stay in Mom's guest bedroom and we would have the boys Mathew, Luke, Billy, and Levin stay in the nursery bunk beds with Mark in the crib. Then the rest of us would stay at your house Dana," Charlie explained. "The girls Melanie and Meg can stay in Levi's bed and Rachel can sleep on the pullout in Levin's room. Me and Lucy can take the guest room." "Okay that sounds good, let's get going." Dana said handing Dream, who had been asleep on her lap, to Mulder so she could stand and get their things gathered. Maggie carried Xavier out and put him in his car seat in the van. She turned and kissed Dana and Fox goodnight. "Thank you two so much this was a great night. The best birthday I've ever had surrounded by the ones I love." "Don't thank me Mulder's the one who planned it all, called up Bill, Charlie and Skinner and arranged everything, I was just as surprised as you." Dana replied. "Hey it was nothing, just the least I could do to thank you for being the best surrogate mom I could ask for." Mulder answered bashfully. "Well thank you for being the best surrogate son I could ask for, Fox. Now I had better let you guys get home and get some rest. Me and Walt will take Levi over to the house so Bill doesn't have to have five rowdy boys in him car." Margaret smiled. "Okay. See you tomorrow Mom," Dana called out. "Bye sweetie." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Continued in Part 4/4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Mulder home 10:00pm Rachel, Melanie, and Meg had all come with Charlie and Lucy to the Mulder's house where they were greeted with the barks of Synge, Legacy's two-year-old golden lab. The dog was adoring all the attention he was getting until the kids were sent off to get ready for bed. Soon all the kids were sound asleep and tucked into bed except for Willow, who was on her parent's bed watching her mother as she brushed her hair to get ready for bed. Charlie and Lucy had retreated to the guest room and Embyr was locked in the kitchen. Finally the long day was over, except for their 'talk'. By the time both Mulder and Dana were ready to got to bed Willow was fast asleep still on their bed. "Hey Day," Mulder asked softly, "You want me to take her to her room?" "Yeah just hang on a sec and I'll come with you." She said as she turned out the light in the master bathroom. They made their way through the upstairs hallway to their daughters' room. Dana slowly opened the door for Mulder who was carrying the child and he gently set her down on her bed. Dana made her way over and pulled the covers up to her chin. They then made their way around the room tucking the covers over Dream, and loosening them for Legacy who was thrashing around. Dana bent down and kissed the child on her forehead instantly calming her. They then made their way to the next door and opened it to be greeted with the angelic faces of their nieces the three had huddled onto Levin's tiny little twin bed even though there was a pull out. Mulder strolled over to the crib in the corner of the room and checked on his sleeping son looking over the side at their perfect creation. Dana wandered behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist looking over his shoulder at their baby. Mulder pulled her into an embrace as he looked down at her. "So you ready for another one, Day?" "Never ready, always willing, but never ready." She replied laying her head against his chest, her arms still encircling his waist. He tilted her head up and gently kissed her. "Six angels. Wow, talk about a miracle," he sighed. "Yeah I thought labor at forty-one was bad just wait until forty-three," she replied grinning. "Ah, you'll do great you always do." "That's because you've always been there for me," she replied as they made their way back to bed and a good night's sleep. "And I always will," he said as they climbed in and turned off the light's. "Sweet dreams, Day." She rolled over and gave him a kiss, then rested her head on his chest again. "Good night Mulder, I love you." "Love you too." Then all was at rest in the house, peaceful and quiet slumber continued throughout the night. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The End